Chapter 48

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Sofia POV

"Well, that was a good song." I said.

The babies kicked as if they'd just agreed with their mother.

"Ooh, you liked it too?" I asked.

Hugo put his hand on my bump and they kicked.

"So be it. This is your special song from now on." He said.

We kissed, went and took a bath, and came into the closet room.

We kissed, went and took a bath, and came into the closet room

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Sofia's gown

"Hey, you look amazing!" Hugo said.

"Thanks" I blushed.

"Excited for the gender reveal?" He asked.

"You bet I am. Let's get downstairs." I said. I forgot - again.

"Sofia!" Hugo stopped me, just when I was going to open the door.

"What?" I asked.

He opened my closet drawer, and got my usual tiara out, and put it on me.

"Amber's coming." He said.

I kissed him.

"Thanks, Hugo." I said.

He quickly wore his crown.

"Why are you wearing the crown? Kings wear crowns when there's something important, right?" I  asked, confused.

"There's an important Tri - Kingdom meeting. Don't worry, it'll be over when the doctor comes. I'll just have breakfast, and rush to my meeting room."

"Okay, baby." I said.

"Sofia, do not finish the to - do scrolls by yourself. You'll get tired. I'll help you finish it after the meeting." I said.

"Can I finish it with Amber and Viv?" I asked.

"That'll work too." He smiled.

We got downstairs, and Hugo held my hand tight. We were reading a book on maternity, and there was a warning saying that 'Women's feet get slippery during pregnancy".

I'd asked Hildy and Bri about that one, and they said it was true, so Hugo stays very protective of me while I'm walking.

We reached the breakfast table, and Mom, Dad, Hugo and I greeted each other.

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