Chapter 71

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Sofia POV

"How about we start that now?" I smiled.

Hugo nodded, and I played the music box.

Hugo and I decided to sing along.

Where the North wind meets the sea
There's a river full of memory
Sleep, my darlings, safe and sound
For in this river, all is found. In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far or you'll be drowned. Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear
And in her song, all magic flows
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the river knows? Where the North wind meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come, my darlings, homeward bound
When all is lost, then all is found

Suddenly, Hugo froze.

"Mom." Hugo said.

"Are you reffering to me, Hugo? And, don't ever say you don't have a mother. From now, I'm your mother." Mom said.

"Yes, I'm referring to you, Mom. Papa, we have the entire EverRealm's map in the map room, if I'm not wrong?" Hugo said.

I looked at Hugo deep in the eyes.

'Where the North winds meet the sea, a river and a mother full of memory. Why is this making so much sense, as if there's some connection?' Hugo was thinking.

"Hugo, I got to know what you're thinking, and all of a sudden, it feels like it's all connected to me too. But what do we do?" I asked.

Suddenly, my amulet glowed, and appeared - 

"Queen Elsa of the Northuldras?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Sofia, all royalty that ever came out of your Amulet gave you advice. But, I'm the one who's going to help you. You both are right. There is a connection." She said.

"What?" Hugo asked.

"Ahtohallan." She said.

"This was the same song our Mother sang to me and Anna when we were little, and you of course know everything how I reached there, and figured out everything, right?" She continued.

We nodded.

Elsa held up a picture. Me and Hugo gasped.

 Me and Hugo gasped

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"Sienna. Aunt Sienna."

"How do you know my Mother?" Hugo asked.

"She was the best friend of Iduna, my Mother. They'd always been close and visited each other and Ahtohallan together - A secret which no one else knew. I got to know the day I went to Ahtohallan. They both sang that song to us."

"How can you help us?" Hugo asked, breaking into tears, and so did I.

"I can help you meet her, and know what exactly happened to her. She is in peace now, that you have defeated her murderers."

"Murderers?" We gasped.

"That coach crash was not an accident." Elsa nodded.

"So what are you going to do?" I asked.

"Take you to Ahtohallan so you can know everything. I visit everyday and talk with Aunt Sienna and my mother." She smiled.

"Do you mind?" I asked.

Elsa looked confused, but I hugged her.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I said.

"Sofia, Hugo, go. Find out what happened to Sienna. And, Hugo, remember, I'll always be your second mother." Mom said.

"You're equal to my birth mother, Mom." Hugo said.

Hugo and I changed into our Protector uniforms, and got our flying horses, and flew with Elsa, who summoned her horse through the water spirit.

We were at the Black Sea, and Elsa formed icicles on it, through which we jumped and reached the shore.

Elsa walked further, and we followed.

An ice hallway. 

"Welcome. You are walking on the lands of Ahtohallan. We're about to reach." Elsa said.

We reached a clearing.

Four diamonds came up, and Elsa stood in the middle. It activated, and the song started, but with two different voices.

Water formed a wall in front of us, and froze.

We stared, as the faces of Iduna and Mama appeared.

"Mom." Hugo said.

"Hugo, my son. Sofia, my daughter! Thank You both for giving me peace by killing my murderers." He cried.

"When did we kill your murderers, Mama?" I asked, in tears.

"Birk and Shuriki." She said.

"What?" Hugo gasped.

"Yes, they'd wanted to take over Welshire, and I had insisted not to. I gave them my life as a deal in exchange for not taking over the kingdom. I broke the brakes before I left in the coach, which crashed, and I - " She said.

Me and Hugo cried, and Elsa calmed us down.

"Thank God we killed them. We avenged your death." I said.

"Yes, you did. And that's like my strong girl. Oh, how I wish I could feel my grandchildren." Mama said.

We all felt very sad, but something came into my mind.

"Mama, can you extend your hand?" I asked.

Mama did it.

I went forward, and closed my eyes as my amulet glowed, and touched my hand on the ice. I entered.

"Sofia!" Hugo yelled.

He could see me on the frozen wall now.

"Hugo, it's okay. I can come out of here. My amulet. I have the powers to enter and exit the spirit world." I said, and Hugo got relaxed.

I saw Mama beside me, but then I had an idea.

I went into the real world, and grabbed Hugo's and Elsa's hand tight.

"Grasp my hand tight." I said.

I closed my eyes, wishing, also wishing in my head that it'll work for the three of us, and in no time, we entered the spirit world.

Mama hugged us tight.

I then saw Elsa.

She was in tears, still in shock that her Mother was right in front of us.

"Mum." She said.

"Elsa!" Queen Iduna said, and they hugged each other.

Elsa was in such a shock that when Queen Iduna held her hand, she turned Queen Iduna's hands and gloves to ice.

Now, he could see me

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