Chapter 3

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Sofia POV

We are now flying for home and I was feeling even more nervous than before

"Amber," I asked "Do you think Dad is going to talk to us about a betrothal too?

"You know, Sof, even I was thinking of the same thing."

"Maybe. Because the events that happened before Cora know about her betrothal match to ours."

And, before we knew it, we landed near our castle.

Dad was waiting for us near the staircase.

"Sofia, Amber, you're here! Now go get changed and I'll come privately in our rooms to talk about the thing I've been wanting to tell you."

There was a happy twinkle in his eyes.

After I got changed into a comfy olive green one-shoulder gown, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I knew it was Dad.

"So, Sofia, I won't go round and round, but I want to discuss your future."

"My future?"

"You're now betrothed and you're getting married in four years; when you'll be twenty."

I started pacing up and down the room.

"To whom, Dad?"

"Hugo. Prince Hugo."

Oh, that was awkward.

"You mean, King Garrick's son, Prince Hugo of Welshire?"

"Yep, that's him."

I gestured him to continue.

"I thought it'll be beneficial for both kingdoms. Moreover, he is the best choice for you."

"Why did you think so?"

"Firstly, you both know each other very well. And secondly, I know you two have been in love with each other after your first ice dancing recital." He winked.

I gave a little blush.

"Okay, Dad. I'm good with your decision. Just nervousness is upon me because I have not met him for the last 3 years."

"Oh, Don't worry about that. Tomorrow night, we are having a family dinner were I'll be asking you to spend time together. You'll be okay, Don't worry."

"Okay, Dad. Bye"

"Bye, sweety. Be on time for dinner."

I smiled as he shut the door and went away.

I sat down and thought about it for a while. Then I rushed to Amber's room.

Dad left her room just before I could enter.

She was on her bed, Blushing a little.

"Oh, look who's blushing" I teased

"Sofia? Come on in."

"What did Dad tell you, anyways."

"I'm betrothed."

"And getting married at twenty?"

She looked up with surprise.

"How did you know?"

"He said the same thing to me. Anyways, can we say the names of our betrothed together so it'll not be awkward?"

"Sure. Great idea, girl."

"At the count of three. ONE, TWO, THREE Hugo."

"Des. What?" 

Amber literally screamed.


"Yeah. And 'Des' as in Desmond?"

"Yeah," Amber said, still in a shock.

"What happened? Why are you screaming 'HUGO' so loud?"

"Nothing. I know you two are in love from your first ice dancing recital."

I rolled my eyes.

James appeared at Amber's door.

"Did someone say Hugo?"

Amber and I scoffed.

"Yeah, we both are now betrothed."

"Whoa, congratulations! And lemme take a guess Sofia is betrothed to Hugo?"

I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon, how does everyone come to know!"

"Cuz we know you two are..." James started

I cut him off.

"In love since the ice dancing recital. Fine. And great, everyone knows about it. I love him, but I'm not so sure he also loves me."

"Oh, don't be silly, Sof. The way he looked at you at your recital, it was pure love. Even Baileywick knows that."

I sighed.

"And what about Amber?  Who are you betrothed to?"

"Des" she replied.

"Well, it's nice having Hugo and Desmond as my brothers-in-law."

"Now stop teasing us or I'll keep dropping hints to Dad so he'll set you up with Vivian."

James blushed furiously.

"Mm-hm.... wait what? Does James have a crush on Vivian? Amber yelled

"Shhhh... Amber. Please, I beg you Please don't tell Dad."

James begged and Amber and I laughed furiously.

We all were laughing as Baileywick arrived at the door.

"Young royals, dinner is served." He said.

Hugfia - A LOVE STORY - BETROTHEDWhere stories live. Discover now