Chapter 66

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Sofia POV

A/N - Sorry, but this will be a lot like the series finale 'Forever Royal'

I suddenly saw the First storykeeper emerging.

"This story will never end, Sofia. Until your soul departs peacefully." He said.

"I got what you're trying to say, but what can I do now? This is impossible." I said.

"Recall your husband's song. He said - Nothing was impossible, if you look into your heart. He was exactly right. Look into your heart. You can do it." He said.

"And I will." I said, fully charged with determination.

The storykeeper smiled, and left.

"Minimus, meet me at the harbour." I said.

"Roger that." He said.

I went underground.

My amulet shone.

"Yeah, I know the boat is on the other side. Please turn me into a mermaid." I said, and dove in.

I came out, and turned into a human again. I reached my previous room through the shortcuts.

I opened the door, and rushed downstairs. No one to be seen. I hid, and when Shuriki or Birk were not near me, I ran into the gardens.

"I think I know where Shuriki has locked everyone up. Mia, Robin." I said.

They came flying to me.

"We know what's happened. Turn into a bird and go."

I looked at my amulet.

"Will I be able to turn into a pregnant bird?" I asked, and it glowed.

"Alrighty. I wish I was a bird." I said, and flew to Cedric's tower.

I changed into myself. 

There were everyone there on chairs, and the people I turned small on the table.

I grabbed a wand.

"Encantarum Disfibius!" I yelled, and everyone came out of the spell, and saw me.

Everyone was alarmed.

"Okay, we don't have time, let's go." Hugo said.

We all nodded and left.

We all got into a ship, and started moving out.

"Dad, Hugo, we're doing the same mistake as we did when Vor took over." I said.

"That was one person, this time there are two." Dad said.

"There is one person." I said.

Everyone looked at me, and I smirked, pulling out an arrow and bowstring set from my back.

"That's my wife." Hugo smirked.

"What is going on?" Dad asked.

Only I knew, and Hugo had understood what was going on. I'd killed Birk.

"I killed Birk." I said.

Everyone except Hugo looked at me in shock.

"I'd went to the castle to get out of the shortcuts like I did last time. Shuriki was roaming around, but when she left, Birk was a little behind her. I shot him down with an arrow." I said.

"Looks like Sof's really not lost her archery skills yet." James smirked, and I smiled at him.

I held my amulet.

"Come to the castle, and gather in the courtyard with the Amulet. Call everyone magical. You have to get me out of the Amulet." I said.

"I wish to be in front of Shuriki." I said, but I saw Arthur and Edward touched me.

"No - " I said, but it was too late. They were disappearing with me. 

We were right in front of Shuriki now.

"Why did you two - " I started.

"Mom, we're the Princes of Enchancia. It's our duty too. Do it, now." Edward said.

I was proud of the boys.

I took off my amulet, and smirked at Shuriki, she'd just picked up her wand.

"Amulet, I wish for Us and Shuriki to be inside the amulet right now, without all the spinning, please." I smirked.

The Amulet produced a puff of pink smoke and pulled us all in.

I saw everyone had reached to where the Amulet was, and Hugo wore it.

I gave him the power to speak and listen to me.

"Hugo. Which magical people did you get?" I asked, while falling.

"Miss Flora, Miss Fauna, Miss Merryweather, Cedric's parents, Elena, Mateo, Lucinda and Miss Nettle, Azurine too. And the Protectors were already with us." He replied.

"Great." I said.

We landed, and I landed softly.

But, my head started spinning, and I lay down, unconscious. 

Edward POV

"Mom." I said.

"Edward, what is it?" I heard Dad.

"Mom has laid down, unconscious. I could tell her head was spinning." Arthur replied.

"Did you forget me?" I saw Shuriki.

"Shuriki." Dad said.

"I can hear you too, Hugo. But this time, you can't help your sons, unborn child and wife." Shuriki chuckled.

"We don't need any help." Me and Baby Bro said.

"Oh, really. But it's looks like Your and Your Brother's Worst Nightmare has just come true." Shuriki said.

A/N - Shuriki singing - Italics. Edward and Arthur singing - Bold.

You've always had a friend or two
Someone to lend a hand
When times are tough you look to them
To get out of a jam
But no matter where you turn
There's no one here but you
You're all alone, you're greatest fear
Has finally come true

Just because we're by ourselves
Does not mean we will fold
We don't need help to battle you
We just need to be bold

Spare me your heroic speech
We all know you are wrong

We're not afraid to stand alone
My dearies, you won't be standing long

Shuriki pointed her wand at us, and shot out a blast. We fell down, but we got up again.

You're on your own, can't run away
You've met your match this very day

We're on our own but won't give in
We'll get back up to fight again

The good in you is fading fast
And when it's gone you're mine as last

But like the sun, we'll rise once more
Until night falls and wins the war

She blasted us again, and we fell, feeling like to give up. But on the surface appeared our entire family with worried looks, and we were determined.

There's a bond you'll never know
A power you can't feel
The love you give comes back you
And makes you strong as steel

If we remember those we love
And keep them close to our hearts
Our love will shine from deep within
And chase away the dark

A light shone from our hearts, and formed one light, as Shuriki stepped back a little.

My darkness can not be denied
Your little light won't last
I'll show you where real power lies
One final wicked blast

You tired your worst to keep us down
But we're still standing tall

How can this be happening
Because we stand for one and all

We're on my own, we found a light
To see us through the darkest night

You're just two boys, this cannot be
We're more than that but you can't see
We may be small and on our own
But we can feel how much we've grown
Our will is strong, our heart is true
Our love will be
The end

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