Chapter 61

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Sofia POV

I woke up early to see Hugo still sleeping.

I was rather confused at why he was sleeping late, as yesterday, we didn't do anything, neither did we sleep naked. We just shared one kiss, and we slept, fully dressed.

I touched him behind his ears. He loves it there.

He slightly woke up.

"Hey, morning, Sofia." He said.

"Morning." I smiled. 

"Let's get ready."

We took a bath, got dressed, and headed downstairs.

"Orning, Wof!" I saw James, stuffing himself at the dining table.

"James!" I gave him a light hug from the side. "What're you doing here so early today?"

"Derby race? Just the three of us, on the castle's derby course?" He offered.

"And, Your Majesties, there's just one thing on the to - do scroll. You're free, and the Princes don't have school today either." Baileywick said.

"Where are they though?" I asked.

"They're playing in their room, with Lucas and Ava, and Mom, Dad, Viv, Amber and Des are with them." James said.

"Well, okay. Now, let's go change Hugo." I said.

"Well, if only Baileywick had told  us a little bit earlier..." He started.

"Hugo! No castle staff is allowed to enter  our room in the morning, remember?" I reminded.

"Oh, yeah." He smirked.

I playfully punched him, and we went to change.

"Baileywick, can you please ask Daxton to get Minimus, Electra and Echo ready?" I asked.

"Yes, Queen Sofia." He rushed off.

Soon  enough, we were ready.

We started racing, but Minimus was a little shocked by something at first, and he'd dropped me, that too when we were high in the air.

"Sofia!" Hugo and James shouted.

They were coming to me, and I was very close to the ground, but Hugo caught me.

"Sofia, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, now." I said.

We landed, and Hugo and I got off Electra. Minimus was already there.

"Sofia, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" He asked.

I hugged him.

"I'm okay, Minimus. What happened to you though?" I asked.

"Go high as we were in the air with Electra once." He said.

I nodded, and did it.

Really dark, totally black clouds or an entire black atmosphere was approaching.

I landed.

"I was scared of that huge storm rolling in. I'm sorry." He continued, and I patted him.

"What are these?" Everyone came out with the kids.

I suddenly spotted a bright green mist with the clouds.

"Everyone, go inside!" I yelled.

But, it was too late. He had reached and striken down everyone, including Hugo.

"Vaddisima!" She'd yelled.

I felt like collapsing, seeing the dead bodies of my entire family, but I let myself be strong.

"Shuriki." I said, in tears.

"We have to stop meeting now, Sofia." She said.

"Expelliarmus!" She yelled, and I was shocked.

My amulet flew to her hand.

"Vaddisima!" She pointed at me, and I screamed, collapsing.

"Sofia! Sofia! Wake up!" I woke up, to see Hugo shaking me.

"Hugo!" I yelled, hugging him tight. 

"Sofia, you were screaming! What happened?" He said, as his button - up came a little loose.

"You're safe! I'm alive!" I cried.

"Sofia!" Mom and Dad burst into the room, with Edward, and Arthur.

I was still crying, my face buried in Hugo's chest, who was patting my head.

"What happened, dearie?" I heard Aunt Tilly.

"You were screaming so loud." Dad said.

I was still clinging on to Hugo.

"Mom, Dad, Hugo. You're all safe!" I cried.

"Why wouldn't we be?" Mom asked.

"Mom." I heard the boys. Mom  and Dad gave them to me, and I hugged them too.

"Edward, Arthur."  

"Hugo, what's going on?" Mom asked.

"I don't know, Mom. She was screaming!" He said.

"So loud we heard it downstairs!" Aunt Tilly said.

"Sofia,  do you trust me?" Hugo asked.

"More than myself, Hugo." I sniffled.

Mom and Dad took the boys, and Hugo pulled me closer to himself.

"Now, atleast tell me. What happened?" He asked.

I told him everything in a whisper, and he was shocked a bit.

"Hugo?" Mom asked.

"She had a nightmare about Shuriki killing all of us, and taking over the Kingdom. Even that Shuriki took the amulet from Sofia, and striked her down too." Hugo said.

"Oh, no." Dad said.

I saw Elena and Mateo were coming out of my amulet, who got released now.

I seperated from Hugo, and Elena hugged me.

"Sofia, are you okay now?" She asked.

I looked at everyone to read their thoughts, confirming no one was Shuriki.

I looked at Hugo.

'Hope Sofia will be okay soon' He was thinking.

'Thank God, Mateo showed me what Sofia was doing by his tamborita. I hope I can help.' I heard Elena's thought.

'Oh lord, please make everything okay for my little adventurer." Aunt Tilly was thinking.

"Thank You, everyone. I'm fine now, but I'm still a little affected by that." I said.

Everyone smiled, as they knew my amulet let me read thoughts.

I looked at the boys.

'Is Mom oka?' They were thinking.

"Hey, c'mere." I pointed at the boys.

Mom and Dad gave them to me, and they caressed my cheek.

I smiled.

"I'm okay, you two." I said, and they smiled.

"Haw di you no wha we wer thikig?" Edward said.

"Your mother's amulet. It's a very powerful one, and it grants powers to her, like speaking to animals, or reading people's thoughts." Hugo said.

I smiled at Hugo, and then everyone left.

We began our day, and it ended with complete peace. Guess it was just a silly nightmare.

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