Chapter 11

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Sofia POV

Everyone came in to the banquet hall and sat in their usual seats.

"So, everyone, how was your day?" Dad asked

"Well, I was searching the attic for decorations for the ball tomorrow." Mom said.

Everyone except Mom had a horrified look on their face.

"Uh...Miranda? Did you by any chance, find any mirror and put it somewhere in the castle?"

"Oh no, Rollie dear, don't worry, there's no mirror this time that can turn us into villagers before our daughters' special betrothal ball."

All of us heaved a sigh of relief.

"But, Did you find anything else, Mother?" 

"No, I didn't, Amber dear."

"How was your flying horse ride with Desmond, Amber? And Sofia, what about your ice - dancing with Hugo? And I already James was out with Zandar." Dad asked again.

As Dad asked that, I launched into a flashback of today afternoon, and smiled.

"Pretty good." Amber replied, munching on her steak.

"Sofia? Sofia? Earth to Sofia?" Mom was waving a hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Yes mom?"

Mom raised an eyebrow at me.

"Your father, he is asking you something."

"Oh, sorry Dad."

"Never mind, Sofia. How'd it go with Hugo?"

"It was whiz - bang, in the Aunt Tilly way, and it was ah - mazing, is my way!"

"Oh, well, that's nice to hear that you both are getting along with the betrothed thing."

Amber and James, in the meantime, were smirking and whispering to each other.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, Sof, Just discussing how things are going so fact between you and Hugo. Boom Goes The Cannon!"

"Shut up, it's nothing like that." I said, while blushing

"Oh, whatever." Amber said.

"Hey, Amber, how about we help each other get dressed tomorrow for the ball?"

"Needless to say."

"Anyways, can I talk of real business now?"

"About what, Daddy?"

"About Sofia, Amber."

"Sofia? Don't tell me you're pregnant already." Amber asked

Suddenly, Baileywick made a serious face.

"Amber, how can you think of that? Of course not! I don't even know what Dad's talking about."

Baileywick's face relaxed and Mom and Dad laughed as we siblings fought.

"Okay, enough. What I meant was.... Sofia, how's the protector thing going?"

"Oh, that." Amber and James said in unison.

"Pretty nice, Dad. I'm going to be a trainer. I, well have to train, a little fairy, who wished to be a protector. Orion and Vega called me yesterday."

"That's great."

After dinner, we depart to our own rooms. I was so tired, I fell asleep.

In the morning

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