Chapter 44

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Sofia POV

A/N - Skip until 'You're Free'. Contains some sexual content.

I woke up early today, at 8: 00 a.m. itself. I smiled at the naked Hugo below me.

The room was clean, as we didn't have to worry about condoms anymore.

I noticed that since sex makes us tired, we've gotta take a good rest after that.

See, yesterday we had sex until 7 in the morning, so we couldn't wake up.

Yesterday night, we had sex for only about 2 hours, and, I'm here, awake now.

Although I did sleep with Hugo's dick inside me the entire night, which is still that way.

I yelled  at Hugo but he did not wake up. I looked at our connected bodies.

I started to move myself, up and down. Hugo must've felt me, so he woke up.

I stopped, and totally sat down and his dick reached a little very far from my vagina.

I moaned.

"Hey, babe. Wanted a fuck in the morning or something?" Hugo smirked.

"No and Yes, actually. No because I did it to wake you up, but, now, Yes because I wanted to finish what I started. It's still inside me, so maybe you could hep finishing the 'Yes' part?" I winked.

"Lie down over me." He said, and when I lied down, he started moving.

We fucked for half an hour, and then went to take a bath, got dressed, and went downstairs.

A/N - You're Free!

We went downstairs to see Mom and Dad in the dining hall.

"Good morning, everyone."

"Good morning, Sofia and Hugo." Mom and Dad said.

"Good morning, Your Majesties! Just in time for breakfast!" Baileywick said.

I grinned, and proceeded towards my chair , and Hugo was behind me, but my head started spinning, and I fell onto  Hugo's arms.

"What - Sofia!" I heard Hugo.

Hugo POV

Sofia had fainted, and Mama and Papa sent for the Royal Doctor.

He was out of station yesterday, but Thank God he's there today.

Baileywick rushed to get the Doctor, and I lifted Sofia and proceeded towards our room, Mama and Papa behind me. Papa opened the door for me, and I made Sofia lie down on the bed.

Mama and Papa had a worried look, but they were relaxed.

"Mama, Papa, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Hugo." Mama said.

"Is it that if you have sex after pregnancy, the woman faints like Sofia did?" Mama and Papa gave me a questioning look; They didn't seem to have understood.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said.

"King Hugo, you called?" The Royal Doctor entered with Baileywick.

"Yes, Doctor. It's Sofia." I said.

The Doctor checked her up.

"Well, Doctor?" I asked.

"King Hugo, were you aware that Queen Sofia is pregnant?" He asked.

"Yes, we got to know yesterday." I said, and the Doctor smiled.

"Congratulations, and there's nothing to worry about. This is called Morning Sickness, and Queen Sofia is seeming like to have twins, so she'll get it very frequently. Try to keep her diet healthy and light too. With your permission, I'll appoint a female gynacologist to look after Queen Sofia frequently." He said.

I nodded for he 'Female Doctor' part, and he bowed, and left.

I closed the door.

"Mama, Papa, you didn't get what I was saying earlier, did you?"

"Yes, we didn't exactly get you." They said.

"Well, Sofia and I had some sex last night, and today morning." I blushed "Really lightly though. We came to our room at 1:30, and after that, we slept at 3, and we did it for only half an hour this morning." I said.

What I didn't know that Sofia had gotten up, and was listening to my words.

"Yeah, we did have sex, so what?" She suddenly asked.

I jumped.

"Hey, babe. You feeling better? And when did you get up?"

"Just now, and I heard just you." She said.

I told her the whole thing since she'd fainted.

"Twins?" She asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"So, Hugo, we got you now, are you asking us that by having sex after pregnancy increase Morning Sickness?" Mama spoke.

I nodded.

"No, it's nothing like that, so don't worry." She said.

"Hugo, boy, I've had twins, so I know something. How hard did you have sex at your first night after the wedding?"

I blushed, and Sofia shuddered.

"He was so crazy, he was too hard if I must say so." She said.

Mom and Dad laughed.

"Well, that's what resulted in your 'Twin' situation." They said.

"Hugo, after these two" She pointed to her stomach "If we ever have it without a condom, please got lightly. I can't handle four children, please!" She chuckled, and Mama and Papa laughed.

"Okay, let's get downstairs for breakfast." I said. 

The rest of the day passed off smoothly, and although maybe we slept naked, we didn't have sex. Sofia really wanted to, those hormones! But, I wanted to check once if the morning sickness thing occurs without having sex. 

As for our twins, I can't wait!

Me and Sofia decided we'll decide names only after the gender reveal. 

Let's see what our future holds for us next.

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