Chapter 25

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Sofia POV

(A/N - I have an idea to combine the Birk Balthazar problem, with the Princess Diana problem. so, I was thinking I'd do whatever you want. Should I separate these problems, and put the Diana problem before the marriage, or do you want to enjoy conflict-free chapters until Sofia's pregnancy? I really need your opinion, guys! Thank you!

Please read this note above!!! It's an urgent one, and comment down below with your opinions.)

"So, girls, what was that joke about?" Dad asked.

"Oh, Daddy, just to get these boys' reactions, we were making fun of them by speaking loudly in front of them, by, like, saying that we were better in ruling the Kingdoms and stuff like that." Amber piped up.

"It was all a joke? Even the J - " Hugo started, and I cut him off, by blocking his mouth with my hand.

"Yes, Hugo. It was all a joke." I said.

Mum and Dad opened and closed their mouth.

Baileywick came back here.

"Baileywick, there you are! What took you so long though?" I asked.

"Princess Sofia, as you know, it is a law of the Kingdom of Emchancia to pass down the Royal family's thrones, generation after generation, just like you'll inherit your Mother's throne after two years. So, even if you have not much use of your throne, it has to be kept safely, in case You and Prince Hugo have a daughter. So, I was assisting William, the coachman, to pack the throne in the carriage safely."

Hugo and I blushed a little after the 'daughter' part, and then, nodded at Baileywick.

Then, Hugo pulled me on my feet.

"Papa, I have to talk about something to Sofia. Can we just go over there? You can see us, but you can't hear us."

Mom and Dad smirked at Hugo and me.

"Sure, Hugo." Dad said, smirking widely at me, wiggling her eyebrows.

We went over there.

"Hugo, what's so urgent?"

"Two things. You want to hear the fun one or the serious one?"

"Hmmm. The fun one." I smiled.

He came closer and I backed up, because if Hugo kisses me before Dad, he's gonna get mad.

"Hugo, stop it."

He started laughing.

"Wha - " I said.

"Well, you just got pranked! You pranked me too, didn't you?"

"Oh. Okay, Alright, Fine."

"Papa's looking, so I can't, but I wanted that kiss."

"Me too. You're staying until how many more days?"

"Uh...Until - I - Until October 8th." Hugo said.

"Okay, then. We have plenty of time."

"For what?" He asked, confused.

"To kiss when no one's looking!" I shot him a wink.

"Whatever. Now, the serious problem. Were you joking about James too?" He smirked.

"Don't tell this to anyone, but, No." I chuckled.

"Okay. Shall we, now?" He asked, extending an arm.

I looked at his arm, but gave him a hug, and then, we proceeded towards the others.

Soon enough, we'd eaten our food, and we were approaching the two coaches.

We bid our goodbyes to Ruby, Jade, and Lucinda. Then, Baileywick rode with Hugo and Des in one, and the five of us rode in the other. We reached the castle.

Mom and Dad went to carry out some more royal duties, James took off to Tangu for a flying carpet show with Zandar and Hildy and Amber and Des went to the library.

I gestured for Hugo to follow me as I had some of my favourite books in there, so we could bring them to the library and read there with Amber and Des.

We entered my room, and Hugo closed the door.

I turned to look at him, as he was not picking up books with me, but just standing quietly in a corner.

"Hugo? Come, help me pick up these books!"

"No, you have to come here first."

I walked up to him. He was looking at me weirdly.

A/N - There's no smut coming up, but this is a little kind of - sexual... So, if you don't like that stuff, just skip to the point where I've written 'YOU'RE FREE' 


"I'm hungry." he smirked, mischievously.

"What do you want, then? It's not supper time, but I'll get you something."

I started towards the door.

"No need to open that door. You are here to satisfy my hunger." He said, walking towards me.

"Wha - " I started.

Hugo locked his lips with mine, and we kissed and kissed, again and again.

He made my sit on the bed, and unzipped my dress, nuzzling my face and kissing me, and he threw away his clothes until he was left with his boxers, and me in my bra and panties.

"Hugo - "


He removed all the clothing off me and did the same, and we explored each other naked.

Hugo came and sat on the bed, and his dick was touching my hand. He kissed me again and again.



I got up.

"This is wrong. We can't."

A/N - You're free!

He suddenly snapped out of his daze and realised.

"I - " He started.

"Shhh. I know you didn't do this on purpose. I know you want me, I want you too! But we can't do this now. We have to wait for our marriage. This is wrong. And it's okay. But, just let this be between us. Not even Am and James. Maybe we can tell them after the marriage, someday. But not now."

"I - I - know. I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me. You're right. Thanks for stopping me, Sofia." Hugo said, and I smiled.

But, what we didn't realise, was that we were still naked, and we laughed and started to dress.

"I really liked your thing - though." He said, and I blushed.

"Me too, I guess."

We looked at each other, gave a small kiss, picked the books up, and left for the library.

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