Chapter 26

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Sofia POV

We laughed and talked our way to the castle library, carrying the books. Baileywick approached us.

"Princess Sofia, Prince Hugo! I've been looking everywhere for you! Were you both in Princess Sofia's room?"

"Yes, we were in my room, Baileywick." We gulped, with a nervous look.

"Okay, then. Here, let me help you with those books."

"Thanks, Baileywick. Anyways, what happened? Is there a reason you were looking for us?" I asked.

"Yes, Princess Amber was wondering where you were, as you'd promised her that you'd meet her in the library soon, but you took long. What happened though?"

"I - We were in my room, picking out these uh - books, and - " I picked up the toppest book from the stack Hugo was holding. "I couldn't find my favourite book, so we were finding it."

"Where did you find it? I asked Suzzete to arrange your bookshelf, and so - she didn't do it properly, I presume." Baileywick said.

Me and Hugo looked at each other, as the thing I'd said was a made up story, as you all know.

"Oh no no, Baileywick! Suzette arranged it really well, Actually, Clover had grabbed this book, and was sleeping on it, so I guess, it must've been on the lowest shelf, so he must've taken it."

"Oh, Okay then. Well, here we are."

He opened the library and placed my books, bowed, and left.

"Sofia, there you are! I've been looking for you! Hey, where is your tiara?" Amber asked.

I looked upon my head.

"Oh, must've left it my room. Never mind."

"Oh no. Let's get it back." Amber urged.

I laughed. No matter how older Amber grows, she'll always be serious about tiaras.

Hugo and Des had tagged along, and we opened my room.

Amber looked at the bed, which was a mess.

"Hey....It was alright now, before we left, Violet cleaned it.. How did this hap - "

"Hey, Amber. I - uh - saw Clover jumping on it again and again, and rolling about. He must've done that." I piped up.

"Okay. Let's search for your tiara."

"Wait. Tell us too. What did Sofia's today's tiara look like? We'll search too." Des said.

"It was a silver one, with pearls patterned as four-pointed flowers." Hugo said.

"Wow, you really do notice Sofia." Amber smirked.

Hugo blushed.

We looked everywhere. The vanity, the closet, the dresser, everywhere. Amber searched through my bed.

"Hey." She said, having pulled out my tiara out of the duvet covers.

"Oh, you found it." I gulped.

"How did it get there?" She asked, giving me a weird look.

"Oh, Clover was jumping a lot on the bed, so I was tickling him as a punishment to stop that, so, it must've fallen!" I said, and looked at Hugo.

"Sofia. Stop it. You and I know very well that Clover is not ticklish. Tell us the truth." Amber said.

"Sofia - We won't tell anyone else - not even James. Just tell Amber and Desmond. They won't tell it to anyone." Hugo said.

"Amber, Des, you won't tell this anyone, even James, please?" I said, sighing.

"We promise." Amber and Des said.

"Thanks. Well - the truth is - Hugo and I almost made - love - today."

Desmond and Amber gasped at this.

"What? And what do you mean by almost?" Amber asked, in a calm and understanding tone though.

"Well, we were totally - naked. And, well, I stopped him, and we swore we'd do it only after our marriage.

Amber and Desmond understandingly nodded.

"It's okay, you two. I'm happy you at least controlled each other. And, we won't tell anyone." Amber said.

"Me too. But, please don't all that stuff in front of me again. It makes me feel really weird because you're like my own siblings." Des said.

"So what? This is going to happen to us also." Amber teased, and Des blushed

"Thanks, anyways guys." Hugo and I smiled and hugged them.

"Let's go, now." I said.

Amber put the tiara on my head.

"No, wait. Let's make your bed before somebody sees it and gets suspicious." Amber said.

I hugged Amber.

"Thanks, Amber. You're the best sister ever."

"Anytime, sis."

We made our bed, and walked out together. Baileywick approached us - again.

"Your majesties! It's supper time! Where were you all?"

"In my room." I said.

"Why, is something the matter?" He asked.

"No, Sofia had left her tiara, and it was fallen down in her closet room, and we couldn't find it, so it took some time." Amber explained.


We went to the dining hall. Mom and Dad were sitting.

"Hey, you all." Dad said.

"Hi, Dad. Where's James?" I asked.

"Still at Tangu. He'll come back in the evening."


Soon enough, we were eating.

"So, ready for your graduation, four of you?"

"We are!"

Yes, we were graduating from our schools, the day after tomorrow, October 5th.

"Sofia, Hugo, the ball plannings. Are you busy today?"

We knew what 'Ball' Dad was talking about.

"No, Papa. We're in with you and Mama." Hugo said.

"Okay, but get ready in the night, you both." Amber said.

"What? Why?"

"Sleepover party. RPA friends are coming. You better not miss it."

We finished our food and got up.

"Well - Let's go. Amber, Desmond, since you're good at planning too, would you like to help us plan the ball?" Dad asked.

Suddenly, My enchantlet started beeping, and it formed a circle, showing the protectors.

"What's up, Chief?" I asked Orion.

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