Chapter 8

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Sofia POV

"Hugo, where are we?"

"C'mon, Sof. I'll show you around."


Then, I saw a beautiful blue banner on the wall with gold accents and gold letters on it, saying 'Corinthian Sports School'. 

I also saw a HUGE ice rink nearby.

Hugo POV

"Hugo, I love it! My school doesn't even have an ice rink."

She hugged me tightly and I chuckled.

"But why have you brought me here? For sightseeing?" She asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You know it, Sofia."

"Fine, but I don't have enchanted skates and my ice dancing outfit."

I pulled out a lilac and pink duffel bag from the back of my carriage and handed it to her.

"The washroom's the first one on the left in this corridor."

"Love you, Hugo!" She yelled, hugging me once more.

I smirked.

"I know you do."

After a few minutes, as I finished putting on my enchanted skates, Sofia came out.

I couldn't take my eyes off her as I had not seen her in her ice dancing gear for a long time.

"Hugo? Hugo? Earth to Hugo?"

"Huh? Oh, you're here. Lets start."

"Yeah, but it's been a long time so I'm a little rusty. I remember the quadruple fireball flips, but can you show me how to do the stargazer spin?"

"Sure, and the recital is on next Friday at three, so we still have a week to practice. Should we go with the same routine as of our first ice dancing recital?

"Sounds great! Lets start."

But, as they approached the rink they noticed someone skating towards them.

"Hi, Hugo dear."

Diana traced a line from her finger down my chest and I winced.

Sofia cleared her throat.

"Oh, Princess Sofia. It's such an honour."

"What do you want, Diana?"

"Oh, nothing. See you later."


I interrupted Sofia.

"Who was that, and why was calling me Hugo dear, right?"

Sofia nodded.

"She's Princess Diana. I don't know her Kingdom, but she's been all  over me ever since I've come to CSS. But, believe me Sofia, I love only you. Sure, I might have felt attraction but no princess ever got as much as close to me as you did."

"Believe, me too, Hugo, I love you more."

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