Chapter 50

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Sofia POV

I had worn the pants from my derby outfit, and a white shirt without a bra for the babies.

I removed my shirt, and Hugo helped me position the babies. Soon, they'd drank their milk, and Hugo held the boys, who were crying out loud.

As I was wearing my shirt, there was a knock on the door.

I wore my shirt.

"Enter." Hugo said, trying to calm the boys down.

Mom and Dad entered, and looked at the crying babies.

"Why wouldn't they stop crying?" Hugo asked.

"Sofia, you fed them right?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, Mom. But they're still wailing." I said, worried.

"Do your breasts feel light and like they're empty?" She asked.

"They do." I said.

"Did you make the babies burp?" Dad asked.

"No, but hey. I heard the nurse say something about that." I said.

"Oh. That's why." Mom said. "Sofia, babies don't know how to burp, so after feeding they fell feisty until  they do. You need to make them burp, and they'll stop wailing, and fall asleep."

"How do I do that?" Hugo and I asked, each of us holding one baby.

"Give them to us, we'll show you." Dad and Mom said.

They held the babies, put their head on their shoulder and rubbed the babies' backs.

The babies burped in no time, stop crying, and started to fall asleep.

We saw it was 12 a.m.

"Let's put the boys in their cribs in their room." We all walked to the adjacent room.

Yeah, I know there was no room except ours on the third floor, but we had one made anyway. I didn't want my babies to be in the second floor, and us in the third.

We put the babies in their cribs, and saw that they fell asleep.

We went into our room, and chatted there only.

While we were chatting, Mom had suddenly launched into space.

"Miranda? Miranda?" Dad said, and Mom came out of her trance, looking very happy. 

"Mom? What is it?" I asked.

"Pray to God for a minute, and thank him, all of you." Mom said.

We did, and then I asked Mom what happened.

"Birk - he's gone. For good." Mom cheered.

I just remembered, and rejoiced with Mom. The men looked confused.

"How do you both know he's gone?" Dad asked.

"Oh, Dad, If he was to attack, he'd do that when I was on my 8th month."

"Oh, You're right!" Dad and Hugo said.

"We're safe." I told Hugo.

Hugo kissed me hard, and Mom and Dad smirked.

"Sofia, it's 1 a.m., give the man what he wants. We'll leave." Mom said.

"Oh, Mom! It's noth - " I blushed, but Hugo cut me off.

"No, Sofia, it's not nothing, it's everything like that." Hugo said.

"Use proper protection this time. Have fun." Dad winked, shut the door, and went away.

A/N - Skip if you don't like this stuff.

Hugo and I already got undressed, and Hugo was wearing his condom.

He looked at me, and I extended my arms.

He came slowly up to me, and hugged me. He let me go, and kissed me hard, again and again. I wrapped my legs around him. I felt him. Hardest Boner ever. Well, it would be, he's waited five months for this.

He carried me to the bed, kissing all the way, and put me there. He got on top of me, and kept his hand on my breast, and squeezed it lightly. A white liquid started trickling out. I gasped.

"Hugo! I forgot!" I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Do whatever you want, just don't squeeze or suck my breasts." I said.

Hugo saw a lot of milk trickling down my nipples.

"Oh, yeah right. I won't do it anymore." He said.

He licked the milk that had already come out of my breast, and I moaned.

"Man, the boys are very lucky." Hugo said.

"Why?" I moaned.

"Your milk is delicious." He said.

"Well, I don't know about myself, but I know yours is too." I smirked.

Hugo smirked, and came up to me.

I started licking his tip, and had his whole dick in my mouth, and I sucked it hard.

In a long time, he cummed, and I drank it all up.

He got down, and started eating me out.

"Ahh! Hugo, go faster!" I moaned.

I cummed, and then Hugo finger - fucked me. I cummed after a long time.

Hugo made me lie down straight, and he brushed my pussy lips with his dick.

He entered me, and started fucking me really slow, but right at my G - spot. 

"Aghhh - Hugo! I missed this so much." I moaned.

"Me too." He moaned in pleasure.

We kept fucking like that for a long time, until Hugo exited me, and smirked.

We both got into our favourite position, with Hugo below, and me on top.

I gave him a handjob, and he cummed.

I lay down on him, and straightened his dick, and he entered me.

I sat down entirely on his dick, which reached a far extent in my vagina, and I moaned.

He began to move really fast, and I moaned loud, so he kissed me to block my mouth.

We kept on fucking, having no - fuck sex until it was 7:00 in the morning.

I made Hugo exit me, and I pulled the blanket over us, and I lay down on him, and he entered me. We slept that way for an hour. 

A/N - You're Free!

At 8 a.m., Mom and Dad burst into our room.

"Hugo, Sofia! Wake up!" Dad urged.

"Morning." I yawned, still on top of Hugo, and him inside me. We were totally covered though, you could only see our heads. 

In a minute, I was in my senses, and I heard wailing. I understood, and looked at Mom, who read my mind, and nodded.

I slapped my forehead, and looked at my husband, who was still sleeping.

Oh, no.

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