Chapter 22

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Amber POV

Me and Desmond were on one dark corner of the road, talking and - whatever.

What we didn't realise was that Hugo was right behind us the entire time, gagging at our actions.

Another thing we didn't realise was that there were some more people on the other dark corner of the road, and meanwhile we were talking.

"Your love, am I?" I teased Des.

"What else, my Queen?"

"Uh, Uh. Not so soon, I should say we wait 2 years for that one."

He bought his face closer to mine, and his breathe was on my face.

"Can you tell Papa to do us a favour?" He asked.

"I need a fee for that one."

"What kind of fee?"

"This kind of fee."

I brought his lips closer to mine, and locked them with mine. We broke apart soon enough, because, well, we aren't experienced kissers like my sister, and, on top of that, this was our first one.

"Whoa. What did you just do though? Papa will kill me!"

"Oh, no. He won't unless he finds out."

"How will he not find out?"

"He doesn't have to. He doesn't even know that Sofia and Hugo have kissed so many times!"

"Alright. Wait - What did you just say? Like the last line?"

"I said - He doesn't even know that Sofia and Hugo have kissed so many times!"

"I know we have - but what if I tell Papa your little secret?" Hugo said.

"What - Where did you come fro - " I started.

"You - You saw us?" Des stammered

"Yes, I was right here, gagging the entire time." Hugo replied.

"When now you know how I feel when I see you and Sof kissing in front of me."

"Yeah, I guess, sorry. But, what if I tell Papa your little secret?" Hugo said, chuckling.

"Then I'll tell Daddy your giant secret!"

"Wow. Maybe I should start writing books on 'My Savage Wife'!"

"Too much, Des!" I scolded.

"Sorry, Am!"

Hugo was staring at something in the meantime.

"Hugo? What is it?" Des asked.

"Look there."

We saw two more people on the other dark side of the road, who, perhaps, appeared to be squinting at us, and the three of us froze.

Sofia POV

Me and James were frozen into place, seeing the three people on the other dark side of the road, who, perhaps, appeared to squinting at us now.

Suddenly, I shook James out of his trance.

"James! James!"

"Huh? What?"

"As the future Queen of Enchancia, it is my duty to protect my subjects. I highly doubt those are some intruders or enemies. Let's go see them."

"Sure, and it's my duty too!"

"Obviously, because you're gonna be my first knight!" I said.

"Let's go see, then."

We started to near the people and all three of them were starting to move towards us too. We all suddenly ran forward.

"Hey! What do yo - What?" I said.

"Sof, what is it? Wha - I - What are you guys doing here?" James asked, coming up behind me.

"What are you doing here?" asked the three of them.

"Amber, Des, Hugo! All three of you freaked me and James out! What do you think you're doing?"

"Amber, Des, let's show her what we were doing!" Hugo smirked.

"Uh - we don't think so.." Des and Amber said.

"About what?" James asked.

"C'mon, okay, I'll do it with you, please!" Hugo urged.

Des and Amber sighed and agreed, and Hugo came up to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Hugo suddenly locked his lips with mine, and turned me to Am and Des' side for me to see what they were doing, and my eyes widened, and I'm pretty sure, James' did too. 

We broke apart at the same time, and me and James started gawking and Amber and Desmond.

"Alright, what?" Amber asked.

I snapped out of my daze and almost jumped on Amber.

"Am! Oh My Goodness! Like - how did that happen?"

"Yeah - it just happened." She blushed.

"I witnessed your first kiss!" I whisper - yelled.

"You did not, Sofia." Hugo piped up.

"What do you mean, Hugo?"

"It was only me who witnessed their first kiss. This was their second one."

"Ohhh.. Whatever! It's still exciting!" I said.

"Now it's only for James and Vivian to do that and we're done! Sibling tie!" Amber said.

"There's already been the Sibling Tie!" I chuckled.

Amber, Des and Hugo looked at James in disbelief, who blushed furiously.

"What the - " Hugo started.

"Hell." Des ended.

"Language, guys." I reprimanded.

"Sof, are you telling us that James and Viv -" Amber asked, and I cut her off.

"Yes, have already kissed."

"How come James and You didn't tell me though?"

"I just came to know 5 minutes ago. That's what we were doing on the other corner of the road!" I protested.

Baileywick came up.

"Aha. There you all are. King Roland and Queen Miranda are worried sick for you all. Please, let's proceed back, Your Majesties."

"Whoa - Okay." I said.

"Let's go then." 

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