Chapter 20

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The next morning!

Sofia POV

"Your Majesties! Princess Sofia, Princess Amber, Prince Hugo, rise and shine!"

"Good morning, Violet." Me and Amber said.

"Good morning, Princess. What would you like to wear today?"

"Please get the two simple dresses and tiaras I'd recently bought. I'll wake up Hugo."

"Of course, M'lady."

"Sof, two simple dresses and tiaras?"

"Amber, I bought them for the both of us. Since Ruby, Jade and Lucinda live in the village, I feel like I should be like a regular girl, just with a tiara. I don't like to make them feel out because I was the one who became a Princess, and now, Crown Princess. I thought the same could be with you."


I went to Hugo's bedside.

"Hugo! Hugo! Wake up, you dimwit!"

Then, I had an idea.

"Amber, if you don't like all this, could you please turn to the other side?"

"No, I'm okay. Do whatever you want."

I bent down and softly kissed Hugo.

"Huh? Oh, hey. Did you just kiss me or was that a part of what I was dreaming?"

I blushed.

"She did, alright." Amber piped up.

"Can you wake me up like that everyday?"

"Shut up, and go get dressed. We're gonna leave for the village in an hour." I said.

"Okay, fine."

Hugo  rushed away.

"Well, now if Hugo's taken care of, we can dress here."

A/N - I know it seems weird, but I like it. So, I'm putting the outfit of Amber and Sofia in here.

 So, I'm putting the outfit of Amber and Sofia in here

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"Sofia, it's beautiful. I love it. Can I keep this  after the village trip too?"

"Oh, Amber! It's for you only!"

"Awww, Thanks!"

"Look now, Desmond will be bawling his eyes out to see you in this, although it's simple."

"Yeah, Des does like the colour blue a lot. And same for you, Hugo loves this type of maroon colour!"

"So, how are you and Des now?"

"Great, Sof. Thanks to your advice, we've gotten much closer. Des - well, he confessed to me too. We even give each other kisses on the cheeks, unlike You and Hugo do that - Geez!"

"Congratulations! Anyways, well, it just happens."

We were laughing and talking until Baileywick knocked.

"Come in, Baileywick." I said.

"Your Majesties, King Roland sent me to fetch you. We're heading to Dunwiddie."

"Thanks, Baileywick, but did we miss breakfast, or something?"

"No, we'll have it on our way, in the carriage."

"Okay, we'll be downstairs."

"C'mon, Let's go, Amber!"

As we went downstairs, Hugo and Des were waiting for us, and then, they started gawking at us, each of them giving out an idiotic smile.

"Stop smiling, idiotically, both of you!" Amber and I said together, because no one was around.

 Or atleast, we thought no one was around. Baileywick was chuckling at the side. I looked at him, and he stopped.

"No need to stop chuckling, Baileywick. You really need to laugh at these two for giving suh an idiotic smile."

He burst into giggles, until Hugo shot him a friendly but irritated glare. He immediately stopped, and ran his way towards the coach. Well, of course, because he is going to be King of Enchancia i two years.

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