Chapter 32

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Sofia POV

"Okay, enough, now, Hugo!" I said.

"Okay, fine. We'll finish this though." He grumbled.

"Yeah, okay." I winked.

Hildegard came out.

"Hey, Sof, that's so revealing!" Hildy said.

"Isn't it?" Hugo grumbled.

"Yeah, it's fine though. I'll sleep in my room after the party ends." I said.

"Hugo, no need to grumble! It's not like you haven't seen Sofia before." Hildegard smirked.

"Yeah, but still! In front of the others too!" He said.

"Whatever. I have a surprise for you, Hugo." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"My amulet. I can wish to it for a new nightgown." I said.

"Really?" He cheered up.

"Amulet, I wish for a new plain nightgown."

And, within a flash, there was a nightgown on a mannequin. 


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"Now, that's okay." Hildegard and Hugo said.

"Hildegard, go join the others. I'll be there with Hugo." I said.

I removed my maroon nightgown, and kept in on the bed. I removed my lingerie, and put on my new nightgown.

Hugo was observing me.

"Hey, where are we sleeping tonight?" He asked, dissapointed.

"Although I got a new nightgown, I'll change once the party is over. We'll sleep here." I said, and he smirked again.

Soon, we went to the observatory, and the party games were over.

"Hey, we just realised we're short of beds, you're so many! No worries though, Me and Hugo can sleep in my room, two beds empty. Anyways, we sleep together only." I said.

"Sofia, is something naughty going on in your mind?" Amber and James asked.

"No, I'm very tired." I let out a fake yawn. "I'll instantly sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow."

"Okay, then." They said, satisfied.

Hugo and I went to my room, fake yawning all the way. We walked in and shut the door.

Hugo started to inch in, but I pushed him off.

A/N - Skip until 'You're Free' if you don't like this stuff.

I ran into my closet room, and returned wearing something that left Hugo gawking.

"Yup. The most revealing thing I own." I smirked.

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