Chapter 27

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Sofia POV

"Oh, allow me to explain." Chrysta's voice chimed in out of nowhere.

"Go ahead, Chrysta." Orion said.

The rope closed, and my enchantlet beeped, with another call from Chrysta this time.


"Sofia, Blossom's WhichWay - " I cut her off.

"Oh no! It's  afternoon! She has it get it by sundown!" I cried.

"Indeed, Sofia."

"Well, since we need it from the Mare of the Mist, I'm gonna change. Send Skye as soon as possible."

"We're sending Midnight too." Vega said.

"Oh no, you don't need to. No one's coming with me this time." I said

"Prince Hugo needs to." Orion said.

"Why? Is something the matter?"

"No, we consulted Cody the sorcerer, who has a healing herb for you. Unfortunately, it takes an hour to totally heal a wound." Vega replied

"Why would I need it?" I asked, confused.

"Cody said you'll be spraining your ankle today, anyhow, when you start to leave the Mystic Isles. Hugo has to carry you back to Enchancia." Garish said.

"Okay." I sighed. "But wait! The ball prepar - "

"No, Sofia. Take Hugo. Amber and Des are here to help. Your health is first. Besides, it's your Crown Princess coronation tomorrow." Dad said.

"Okay, Dad. I'll just go change. Hugo come with me. You'll need to change too." I urged.

Dad looked at me.

"Sofia, how are you and Hugo supposed to be changing in one room?"

"Oh, Dad! You know I always change in the washroom." I said.

"Oh, yeah. Go ahead, then." Dad approved.

We ran quickly to my room.

"You can change here, Sof." Hugo said.

"Yeah, I know. Nothing of each other we haven't seen." I said boldly, and Hugo smirked.

Well, that's when the disaster struck. My hair got tangled with the zipper.

A/N - Skip if you don't like this stuff. No smut though. Just really very sexual.


"Sofia?" Hugo turned to  face me, totally naked.

I blushed.

"Uh - My hair."

"I'll help you." He said.

As he was trying to take my hair out, I reached for his dick, and started stroking it really hard with my entire hand.

"Uh. What are you doing?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said.

"Sofia, Blossom's Bow. We'll finish this later." Hugo said.

"You're right, sorry. You're like - so hot, you get me turned on."

"Well, let's decide. When we come back and need to change again, we'll have hands, eats, and blows?" He winked.

"Hmmm. I'm okay with that. But, no losing our v - card before the wedding. Deal?"

"Deal." He smirked.

"But, free my hair, fast!" I urged.

"Yeah, let me just pull on some boxers. You'll get turned on again." He laughed.

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