Chapter 55

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Sofia POV

I grew back up, and Aunt Tilly and Uncle Bartleby chuckled at the boys.

"Tilly! You almost gave us a heart attack!" Mom and Dad said.

"Mom?" Edward asked, looking at Aunt Tilly.

"Dad?" Arthur asked, looking at Uncle Bartleby.

"Oh, no. We're not your Mom and Dad. But where were you two running off to like whiz - bang?" Aunt Tilly chuckled, and we all laughed at this.

"Aunt Tilly, Uncle Bartleby! Oh, thank you! These boys would've chased the day and night out of us." I said, and Aunt Tilly gave Edward to me, and Uncle Bartleby gave Arthur to Hugo.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" Baileywick asked, looking at Hugo.

"Me? What happened to me?" Hugo asked.

We all laughed slightly at my husband's antics. He himself was not aware of the scratch on his forehead.

Arthur got curious of the scratch, and tried to poke it with his finger.

"Ow! Arthur, show me your nails." Hugo said.

Hugo checked Arthur's nails.

"They look small enough to me. But why do they feel like your mother's nails?" Hugo asked.

A/N - Sofia's nails. : )

I blushed

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I blushed. Well, I do dig my nails onto Hugo's back when he fucks me.

But then, I laughed.

Hugo looked at me in confusion.

"Baileywick, can you take your King to a mirror?" I laughed.

Baileywick bowed, and Hugo followed his to the mirror, where he saw his scratch and yelled, and Arthur, in his arms, was throwing him a very annoyed look.

We all laughed at that.

Suddenly, a green puff of smoke appeared. Cedric The Great stood there, facing Hugo.

"Cedric" I said "What are you doing?" I asked, as Cedric raised his wand at Hugo.

"You'll get it once I say the spell, Queen Sofia." Cedric said. "Vulnera Sanentur!" He said, and Hugo flinched.

I understood that. A wound repairing spell. The boys giggled at this.

"I feel funny." Hugo said, and turned towards the mirror, and saw that his wound was gone. He smiled.

"Thank You, Cedric." He said.

"It's a honor to be of assistance, Your Highness." Cedric bowed.

"Avada Kedavra!" He suddenly yelled, firing the killing curse.

A/N - Sorry, just a big fan of Harry Potter.

I shouted, thinking he fired the spell at Hugo, but, then I saw Hugo shook his leg hard.

"Cedric! What were you trying to do?" I said.

"King Hugo, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm okay now. Thank You, Cedric." Hugo smiled.

I glanced down to see a dead scorpion, and I shrieked.

I looked at Cedric.

"Thank You, Cedric." I said.

Cedric bowed, and vanished in a green puff of smoke.

"Maj - " Edward and Arthur said.

"Whoa - I think that's their second word." I chuckled.

"And, I think they were really amused by that magic." Hugo said.

But, then, the boys yawned.

"Looks like someone is sleepy after a whole lot of running like whiz - bang!" 

"They are, Aunt Tilly. We'll just make them sleep in their room and come down." I said.

As soon as I placed Edward on his bed, my enchantlet beeped, and I ran out of the room, signing Hugo to wrap the boys up.

Hugo came out while I was just picking up the call downstairs.

"Whoa - Looks like my  niece got some mission to run." Aunt Tilly said.

I smiled and picked up the call, and the rope emerged into a circle.

"Sofia. Important mission. In the EverRealm though. Avalor." Vega said.

"Avalor?" I asked, worried.

"Yes. There's an alpacamundi...I don't remember the name exactly - " Vega said.

"Not Flo?" I asked.

"Yes, that's the one!" Vega cried.

How? I thought to myself. Flo can't be dangerous.

"Yeah, so what happened?"

"Well, the King of Avalor knows a great deal of magic, which is down in their castle's basement. The alpacamundi went there, and bumped two potions on itself. It grew huge, and aggressive. The King - well, you're right, Vega, they do have complicated names - " Orion was saying.

"Mateo." I said.

"Yeah, him. He was discussing with his wife, that they needed to pour a barrel of potion all over it, to make it normal. We need you, Sofia." Orion said.

"Send Garish, Chrysta, Skye, and Midnight. I'll be there with Hugo. He's athletic and strong, he can help me." I said.

"Wouldn't Chrysta work?" Orion asked.

"No, if Flo is too big, becoming a fairy won't come in handy for me." I said.

"Oh, yeah. We'll send them." 

I closed my enchantlet, and rushed to wear my protector uniform. When I came back, Aunt Tilly had something to ask.

"Sofia, Miranda, Roland, and Bartleby can take care of your sons. It sounds like an adventure to me, so can I come with you?" She asked.

"Why not, Aunt Tilly? Sure." I said, and we rushed out.

Everyone was there. Me and Hugo got on Skye and Midnight, and Aunt Tilly got on her flying horse, Athena.

We reached Avalor.

"Queen Sofia of Enchancia is here." The people recognised me.

I looked at Chrysta, wished to be a fairy, and jumped off Skye.

But, my amulet came undone.

"Whoaa - " I yelled, losing my wings.

"Sofia!" I heard Aunt Tilly.

"Sofia!" Hugo yelled, catching my amulet, and flying after me. When he was close to reaching me, the amulet revealed a pink shiny light. I was being pulled in.

"No, no." I said.

Soon, I was pulled in the amulet. I stayed pink though.

"What - How do I get out of here?" I said.

I remembered how to control the amulet while being inside it.

I lifted it, signifying Hugo to wear it. I gave him the power to speak to me while I was inside there.

"Sofia! Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, i'm fine. I'm giving you power to turn into a fairy. Look at Chrysta and wish."

He did.

"Now, fly to the Avaloran Castle. Fast. Tell Aunt Tilly too." I said.

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