Chapter 18

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Sofia POV

"Wait. Dad, you mean I'm not engaged to Hugo anymore?"

"No, Sofia." Dad said.

"But, how can this be possible? How does it make any difference if Hugo is supposed to be a Duke and I'm Crown Princess or Queen in future?"

"It does, Sofia. That's what the law is. You have to get married to a Crown Prince." Mom said.

"But - I -"

"Sofia. It's for your kingdom. Please, you have to forget me. Do it for your Kingdom. I'll never forget you though. I Love You with all my heart." Hugo stepped in.

"Hugo, please don't take their side. I - I Love You too. I can't get married to someone else. And, I'm sorry, Dad, but if that is the law, then, sorry, but I can't accept the throne."

Suddenly, Dad started laughing and all of the others, except me, Hugo, and Amber, made a sour face.

"Enough of this, now! You've seen their reaction. C'mon, Baileywick, James, Desmond, Miranda. You literally owe me fifty bucks!" Dad said, laughing.

It all made sense to me, and I started glaring at everyone.

"Papa, what's going on?" Hugo said. Then he turned to me. "And, Sof, why are you glaring at them?"

"I'll tell you, Hugo. Just wait."

I went up to James, Mom, Dad, Des and Baileywick, who were huddled together in a line, and shot them a questioning glare. James attempted to run away, but I caught his hand with my enchantlet, and pulled him back to where he was standing.

"It was a very bad prank, all the five of you! What's gotten into you?"

"Sof, relax. I'll explain."

"Oh no, you won't, James. It was only yesterday I was sick and I'd fainted straight into Hugo's arms, and today, all of you play such a horrible prank?"

"We're sorry." All of them said.

I released James from my enchantlet.

"It still doesn't make sense." Hugo and Amber said.

"James, You can explain now."

"Hugo, Am, Sof, we're sorry. It was a prank for fifty. Dad bet that Sof and Hugo will wish to stay together, and we four bet that it was probable that Sof may leave Hugo for the throne. And there's no such law. Sof can get married to Hugo. We also wanted to see how much you two love each other. That wasn't part of the bet though. "

"Apology accepted." Me, Amber and Hugo said, but then I started think about what James had said.

"Sofia? What happened?" Hugo asked.

"What did you mean, James? That there's no such law and I can still get married to Hugo? This all was a prank, right?"

"Oh, allow me." Baileywick chimed in.

"Go ahead, Baileywick."

"Princess Sofia, the prank was only from the part where King Roland said that you can't get married to Prince Hugo. You're not just Princess Sofia anymore."

"It can't be. Is that true, Dad?"

"Yes, Sofia, till you're crowned Queen, now you are Crown Princess Sofia Sinclaire Marie Winslow of Enchancia." Dad said.

"Then, Hugo will be Duke of Welshire, and me Queen of Enchancia. How can we get married and stay so far away from each other?"

"For that question, Garrick and Magnus are ju - "

The Royal Guard came in.

"Your highnesses, King Magnus of Coumore, King Garrick of Welshire, and Crown Prince Axel of Welshire are here." He said, bowing.

"Yes, so Roland, what's the important thing? We've already had got the news that these children will get married after two years itself. And why, so early?"

"Garrick, it's Enchancia's law, that if the Heir to throne is a Princess, she has to get married at the age of 18. If only it was a Prince, it would have been at the age of 20.  And I'd promised to Miranda, I'll hold the marriage of all these three together, on the same day."

"Okay, but it should be four years after only, because heir to the throne is a prince, that's James." Papa and King Magnus said.

"It's not like that anymore, Papa." I said.

"Sofia, what are you talking about?" Papa said, him and King Magnus with a confused look on their faces.

"Dad. Please tell them."

"Garrick, Magnus, the wedding will be 2 years after, because heir to throne is a Princess now. That is, my daughter, Crown Princess Sofia Sinclaire Marie Winslow of Enchancia!"

They both looked at me and I curtsied.

"Thank you, for making me choose Ever Realm. I would never have known how to act as Crown Princess if I hadn't gone there." I whispered to Amber.

"You never know when you're future can take a leap to a big step, do you?" She smiled.

"Baileywick, Announce a ball day after tomorrow, for the official crowning of Sofia as Crown Princess."

"Right away, Your Majesty." He rushed off.

"Baileywick, wait."

"Yes, Princess Sofia."

"Stay here for a moment. Dad, my question."

"Oh, of course. Thanks for reminding me, Sofia." He smiled and I smiled back. "Garrick, since Sofia is going to be Queen of Enchancia, I would humbly request you for permission for crowning Hugo Crown Prince at the ball. If don't accept him being King of Enchancia, I'm afraid we'll have to break the engagement."

We all looked at King Garrick, who had a stern look on his face. I gulped, because by the look of his face, I thought he was going to -

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