Chapter 49

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Sofia POV

3 months later.....

A/N - I hope you guys are not minding the time skips.

August 19th. Me and Hugo just took a shower, and we were getting dressed.

For my baby shower! Yes, yes, I'm 8 months pregnant now. 

Speaking of pregnancy and babies, there's good news!

Amber said they're Royal Doctor said Amber was carrying a baby boy in her stomach. She's on her mid - fourth month now. Annnd Elena had delivered a baby boy like two months ago.

In case you're thinking, yes, we all are aware of Birk Balthazar.

Hugo stays with me 24/7, and he never entrusts me going without him somewhere.

Even he does his meetings with me in the meeting room.

"Excited for this, Sof?" He asked, and I was looking at his dick for the entire time, but controlling myself. Because you know, even if we start a no - fuck session, it eventually goes to Hugo fucking me, just like when we were 3 months engaged.

He noticed me.

"Babe, I know how much you've longing for me, I've been too! But not right now. Just a month more. I promise, when you deliver, I'll fuck you so hard that night, you'll scream my name." He smirked, and winked.

"Please do." I smirked back.

We went down. Everyone had arrived in the ball room.

A/N - Our favourite, Queen Sofia, and her outfit

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A/N - Our favourite, Queen Sofia, and her outfit. She's also wearing her amulet, enchantlet, and her official tiara, as always.

Baileywick announced us as the golden doors opened.

"Introducing King Hugo, Queen Sofia, Former King Roland II, and Former Queen Miranda, on this heartwarming occasion of Queen Sofia's baby shower, were we will reveal the gender too!" Baileywick announed, and everyone cheered.

Hugo and Dad bowed, and Mom curtsied. I just bend my knees a little, like a half a bow and half a curtsy.

We sat on our thrones, and all royals came forward and congratulated us, and gave us gifts. 

When it was over, we stood up.

Hugo started the announcement.

"Now, we will reveal the gender of our babies." The crowd gasped in delight.

"Yes, Queen Sofia is carrying twins." He said, and the crowd cheered.

"They both are boys!" Hugo and I exclaimed.

The crowd erupted into cheers.

"All hail King Hugo! All hail Queen Sofia! Long Live the King and Queen!"

Hugo and I smiled at each other.

1 month later.... 

A/N - Yay! It's the ninth month!! I'm so excited to write this, I'm crying!

It's September 21st. Hugo and I were sleeping peacefully.

And, I felt something wet, and sharp pangs of pain.

I woke up, sat upright, and screamed.

"Sofia! Babe, are you okay?" Hugo sprang up.

"Hugo, we forgot again! Today's my due date, and MY WATER BROKE!" I yelled.

Mom, Dad, Amber, James, Des and Viv came rushing in. Yes, our siblings had offered to stay since yesterday because I was close to my due date. Mom saw my nightgown was wet from the bottom.

"Baileywick!" She yelled.

"Your Majesty, Is it Queen Sofia?" He came rushing.

"Yes, go get the Doctor!" She said.

Hugo saw I was grunting, and breathing hard. He held my hand tight.

"Sofia, it's gonna be okay." He comforted.

The Doctor came rushing in, and put on a saline bottle on me.

"Queen Sofia, you're ready to give birth. I just need you to push." Amber, Des, Vivian and James were right beside me, encouraging me. Hugo was clasping my hand, urging me to push.

"Nurse! Anything?" The Doctor asked the nurse, who was checking me, wrapping up a blanket from below my tummy.

There were many nurses around, assisting me.

"Not yet, Doctor." She replied.

"Just a little harder, Queen Sofia."

I took a deep breath, and pushed with all my strength, and let my breath out.

A baby's wail was heard.

I took heavy breaths.

"Okay, Queen Sofia. Your first baby is out. Just a little more." The Doctor said.

"C'mon, Sofia. Be like a shooting star. Be brave." Hugo urged.

I pushed hard, and another wail was heard. I took a heavy breath, and collapsed.

After 10 minutes, Hugo helped me sit upright.

I saw everyone in tears.

Mom and Dad hugged me.

"I knew you could do it." Mom, Dad  and Hugo said.

The nurse gave two well wrapped babies, one to Hugo, and one to me.

The Doctor smiled.

"Congratulations, Queen Sofia." She said.

I gave the baby I was holding to Mom, and hugged the Doctor lightly.

"Thank You, so much." I said.

"Anytime, Your Highness." She smiled.

Hugo looked very excited.

"Who's the elder one though?" He asked.

The nurse chuckled.

"The baby Former Queen Miranda is holding is elder, and the other baby you're holding, King Hugo, is younger by six minutes." The nurse said.

"Okay, so who wants to be Edward?" Hugo asked.

The baby Mom was holding cooed, as if replying to his father. I smiled.

"We have a volunteer." Dad said.

"So, that leaves you, as Arthur." Hugo chuckled at the other baby, and Mom and Hugo gave them to me to see.

Edward had green eyes and auburn hair, while Arthur had green eyes, and dark brown hair, just like his father.

Everyone looked at them.

"Wow, Arthur looks just like Hugo." Dad said.

"Edward too, but he got my hair colour." I replied.

Soon, Grand Mom, Aunt Tilly, Uncle Bartelby, Axel, Brianna, Papa and Elise had come over.

Everyone met the babies and smiled, and they cooed, grasping at every finger that came their way. I was able to walk now, and soon, it was night. Everyone returned back to their homes.

Mom, Dad, me and Hugo were sitting and chatting, as always.

"That's really weird. The boys drank milk in the morning, and haven't woken up anymore." I said.

"Oh, they will, So - " Mom started, and suddenly the babies started wailing.

"Well, looks like someone got hungry." Hugo smiled.

"Mom, Dad, Hugo and I'll be back." I said, and we went into our room.

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