Chapter 41

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Miranda POV

Both Sofia and Hugo argued about.

"Mama, don't listen to her!" Hugo yelled.

"What? You were the one who started it!" Sofia yelled.

"Okay, enough!" I said. Both of them turned to face us.

"Technically, it's both of you. If it was one of you, then you wouldn't have made love at all! And if you even did, then what's wrong in that? Every married couple does!" I said.

"Now go, take a shower, get dressed, and come downstairs for breakfast." Roland said, and we left the room.

Sofia POV

"Okay, like let's take a shower." I said, and Hugo nodded and we crept out of bed.

We took a shower, and got dressed. I wore a simple gown of baby pink colour with diamonds all over it. I wore my tiara, and saw that Hugo was ready too, and we went downstairs.

We sat for breakfast, blushing.

"Okay, Baileywick. Bring out to to - do scrolls for today." Hugo said.

Suddenly, I felt a really bad feeling, and I knew what it was. I rushed to the washroom.

I heard Hugo say 'Excuse me', who came rushing after me.

"Sofia, are you okay?" He asked.

I had thrown up a lot, so I wasn't feeling that good.

"I'm fine. Let's go." I said.

Mom and Dad had a worried look on their faces.

"I'm okay, Mom, Dad." Their face relaxed at my reply.

"Baileywick, can you please get me some fruit?" I asked.

"Sure, Your Majesty." He got me some fruit.

I ate it, and then I felt a churning inside my stomach again. I ran off again, and Hugo came after me.

"Sofia, what's the matter?" He asked.

I thought I knew what was going on.

"Hugo. The condom you wore yesterday, where did you throw it?"

"Huh? In the dustbin." He said.

"Come with me." I took Hugo to our room, and I asked him to get the condom.

Well, the condom was smothered in cum, but still I noticed it. 

"Hugo, I - "

"What is it?" He asked.

"This condom - it's torn." I said, showing him.

"Wait. I might not be sure, but we need to get a test kit." I said.

"Okay. I'll get a coach ready." He said.

"Hugo. Don't tell Mom and Dad now. If it turns out later I'm not - you know, then they'll be sad."

"Okay." He replied.

Soon, we got on the coach, went to the village, and brought a test kit, went back to the castle, and rushed to our room. I went in the washroom.

"Sofia? How much time does it take?" Hugo asked.

"Two minutes, Hugo."

I came out holding the test. Within two minutes, it showed - 

"Hugo. It's - It's Positive." I said, and we happily hugged.

"Although this happened too early, but I'm still very happy." Hugo said.

"Me too." I said.

We went down, to see a very worried Mom and Dad.

"Baileywick, get the castle staff here." I said, and within five minutes, the entire castle staff was there.

"Yes, Queen Sofia?" Baileywick asked.

"There's good news for all of you. Your Queen is pregnant with our child!" Hugo announced.

"What? Really, Sofia?" Mom and Dad asked.

I nodded, and showed them the test.

"I'm so happy for you!" Mom hugged me.

"Congratulations, you two!" Dad said, hugging us.

"I'll just have a letter sent to your siblings to come over." Dad said.

Within an hour, James, Viv, Des, and Amber arrived.

We all hugged in excitement.

"Dad, Mom, can we have a little time?" I asked.

"Sure." Dad said, and he and Mom went away.

"Okay. First things first. Who else lost their V - cards yesterday night?" Amber asked.

James, Viv, Amber and Des nodded.

"Sofia? Hugo?" Vivian asked.

"Actually, we didn't lose our V - cards last night. We lost it when we were 3 moths betrothed." I blushed.

"Oh, crap." Everyone gasped.

"Yeah, and I wanted to tell you something, so I called you guys here." I said.

"What?" James asked.

"Well, I'm pregnant." I said.

"Wha - how? Didn't you guys use protection?" Amber asked, chirping happily though.

"It appeared this morning that the protection was torn." Hugo replied.

"We're so happy for you!" All four of them yelled.

Mom and Dad entered.

"Looks like you told them." They smiled, and we nodded.

"Now, if anyone is left to hear the news, it's Garrick, Axel, and Your friends!" Dad said.

"Yeah." I said.

"We'll call Dad and Big Bro over this evening." Hugo said.

A/N - Sorry for the short chapter guys! Hope you enjoyed! I'll take your leave for today! Bye!!

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