Chapter 34

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Sofia POV

"Okay, now let's get downstairs for breakfast!" I said, as I heard the bell ring.

We went downstairs, and everyone was already dressed for the ball. Vivian had already arrived in the morning.

A/N - I'll just put Amber's and Vivian's outfit in here, but just letting you know that James, Hugo and Desmond are wearing the same outfit they wore in 'Royal School Fair', and Roland and Miranda are wearing what they wore in 'Forever Royal' when they sang 'On such a big day'.

A/N - I'll just put Amber's and Vivian's outfit in here, but just letting you know that James, Hugo and Desmond are wearing the same outfit they wore in 'Royal School Fair', and Roland and Miranda are wearing what they wore in 'Forever Royal' when...

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Amber's Gown

Amber's Gown

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Amber's Tiara

Vivian's Gown

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Vivian's Gown

Vivian's tiara

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Vivian's tiara

"Oh, all of my children look so pretty!" Mom cooed.

"They sure do." Dad smiled.

"Okay, now, let's sit for breakfast." I said.

"Sofia, when I crown you as Crown Princess, I'd need that tiara you're wearing. So, before entering the ball room, give me your tiara." Dad said.

"Okay, Dad. I will." I said.

Hugo thought it was time to joke.

"Wait, I'm receiving a tiara too? No!" Hugo yelled.

"No, Hugo. You'll only receive my crown when the to - be Queen Sofia crowns you as King Hugo at your wedding reception." Dad said.

"Oh, Papa! I was just joking!"

"Oh." Dad said, and we all laughed.

We ate breakfast, and chatted for a while, until my amulet glowed.

"What is happening, Sofia?" Hugo asked.

"The way my amulet's glowing, I think a Princess is coming." I said.

"But, Sofia, a Princess comes only when you're in trouble." Amber said.

"I know." I said, and Queen Elena and King Mateo of Avalor arrived.

"Elena!" I and Amber gasped.

"Sofia!" Elena crashed into a hug with me.

"What happened? Is there an emergency?" I asked.

"No, but I had to say two things to you, it wasn't worth of being sent through a message!" She cried, and Mateo laugehd.

"Elena requested so much, I had my tamborita cast a spell, so we could come straight through your Amulet. Sorry for surprising you, and sorry she's acting that way, those hormones!"

"It's okay, Mateo. Wait. Hormones?"

"Well, now that Mateo mentioned it, I'm pregnant!" Elena yelled.

"Whoa - Whoa, easy there!" Hugo said.

"Congratulations, Elena and Mateo!" We all said.

"Thank You, and Sofia congratulations, on being Crown Princess!" Elena said.

"How did you know?"

Elena pulled me aside.

"I wanted to see how you're doing, so Mateo showed me through his tamborita. By the way, I hope you both used protection, because it wouldn't be nice if you got pregnant when you're not married to Hugo yet." Elena winked.

I gasped.

"It's okay, Sofia. I'm like your elder sister!" She said.

"Fine, we did." I said, blushing.

"Thank God."

We both laughed and went back to the others.

"So, Elena, since you're here, stay for the coronation!" Mom said.

"We will, Your Majesty." Elena replied.

"Call me Miranda, dear."

Soon, it was evening. All the guests started to pour in.

I gave Dad my tiara, and we stood, waiting for us to be announced.

"Introducing, King Roland II, Queen Miranda, Princess Sofia, Princess Amber, and Prince James of Enchancia!"

We gave our Royal greetings, and entered.

Hugo was waiting on the altar for us.

Dad began his short speach.

"Today" He said. "I'm here to announce that Princess Amber and Prince James are going to be Queen and King of Coumore and Zumaria respectively, which leaves us with my only child left, Princess Sofia, who will be crowned Queen on this same date, two years after. I hereby declare her as Crown Princess Sofia Sinclaire Marie Winslow of Enchancia! And her betrothed, Crown Prince Hugo Harrison of Enchancia!"

I curtsied and Hugo bowed, and then Dad put the tiara on my head.

The crowd cheered, and me and Hugo smiled at each other.

Soon, the ball was over, and everyone went home, Mom and Dad departed to their room, Amber and Des departed, and James went away too. Then, Hugo and I went to our room.

"Huh" Hugo said, plopping himself on the bed "I'm exhausted."

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