Chapter 17

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Sofia POV

"Alright, let's go, then." Hugo said.

"Hugo, Amber, lets change, and Mom, Dad, could you please get Baileywick to pack some toast and eggs? We'll have it quickly."

"Sure, dear. Hugo, I've sent a letter to Garrick, but it takes time, so your clothes - " Dad started.

"Hugo, borrow one of my outfits. I don't mind." James said.

"Oh, yes! I didn't think of that!" Dad said.

"Thanks, James."

"Anytime, Hugo. C'mon."

I changed into the gown and tiara Amber gave me, and, soon enough, we were ready.

Skye and another unicorn just landed  when we went outside.

"Amber, get on the back. Lets go, Skye. To the isle of the protectors."

"Right away, my princess."

"Race you, princess!" Hugo said.

"You're on! Grab on tight, Amber. Hiyah, Skye!"

I flew upwards until we reached the gate. I was the first one, as always.

"Hmmm, still better than you."

"Yeah, whatever." Hugo rolled his eyes.

We reached the Isle of the Protectors, where in the meeting room, all the protectors were there. We'd already eaten breakfast at the gate.

Blossom looked at me, and I smiled at her. She came up to me.

"Are you my trainer? And why do you look like those princesses in the storybooks Mum reads me?"

"I am a Princess, dear."

"Oh, wow! It's so good to finally meet one, your majesty!"

"Oh no. We'll have none of that. Call me Sofia."


"Now, if you want to be a protector, we'd have to get your enchantlet by sundown. Let's go."

"Okay, Sofia."

"That's more like it. Amber, Hugo, go get on the unicorns. I'm coming. Orion, Vega, I'll see you in the evening."

"Sofia, this is your first time being a trainer. We recommend you take a Protector with you who's had been a trainer before. It's your choice." Orion said.

I smiled.

"I choose Chrysta."

"Okay, now off you go."

"Come on, Blossom."

We went outside.

"Do you know where he Isle of Forever Frost is, dear?"

"Yes, I do. Can I lead the way?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

Soon enough, we reached the Isle of Forever Frost. Me and Chrysta smiled at each other. This was our first memorable moment together.

"Okay, Blossom. The first step is to feather - walk!"

"Feather walk?" Hugo and Amber asked.

"Yeah, these are like feathers."

"They look like snow - Whoa! They're feathers, alright." Hugo said, stepping into one, and sinking in.

We all laughed.

"Okay, Blossom, the key is to be very light on your feet."

We began the training and Blossom did everything with perfection.

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