Chapter 24

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Sofia POV

As we approached everyone, Dad spotted us.

"Ah, Amber, Desmond, Hugo, Sofia, James, where have you all been?"

"Uh..Um..Nothing Dad, I was just showing Hugo the village so, uh. Yeah, right. I was showing Hugo the village!"

Mom and Dad raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, Mama, Papa. Well, we were k - exploring! This pretty village." Hugo said.

"Where did that 'k' sound come from while you said exploring?" Dad asked, getting suspicious.

"Well, it slipped out of my mouth - I was about to say uh... Kexploring!"

"Hmmm. That's fine, son. But what were all these others doing with you?" Mom asked.

"Mom, these three wanted to tag along and wanted to explore the village with us."

Roland POV        (A/N - New POV!)

"Baileywick!" I whispered.

"Yes, your Majesty." He said, standing beside me.

"Shhh. What were these five doing, when you found them?"

"Your Majesty, they were on the other side of those buildings, on the other road, and Princess Sofia, Princess Amber, and Prince James were showing the entire village to Prince Desmond and Prince Hugo."

"They were?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Okay. Were they talking about something?"

"No, especially considering Our Enchancian Young Royals were introducing the village to the other Princes."


Hmmm. Well, Baileywick wouldn't lie. These kids were really exploring the village.

Sofia POV

I glanced at Dad, whose face had changed from a suspicious look to a calm and happy look.

"Rollie! Roland! Hello? Earth to King Roland II Sinclaire Marie Winslow!"

"Huh? Miranda? What are you doing?"

"Where were you launched to? Space? Mars or something?"

"Uh. Nowhere. Why, what's the matter?"

Mom starts imitating Dad in a serious tone.

"'Just wait, Miranda. Hold them up. I'll take care of them, let me just talk to Baileywick'" Mom imitates.

"Oh, so what did Baileywick tell you, Dad?" I asked.

"Nothing, Sofia. Okay, enough. Miranda, the children were exploring the village. We better have lunch now."

We went to a clearing. A large one.

"Daddy, why are we here?" Amber asked.

"Sofia, please do the honors." Dad joked.

The coachman and Baileywick had come along, carrying a trunk full of essentials.

"Thank you, Baileywick and William" I said, curtsying.

They bowed.

"It's our pleasure to be of assistance, Princess Sofia." Baileywick said.

I opened the trunk and took out three giant blankets.

"Hugo, James, Amber, Des! Come on here!"

"James, can you put out the food? Amber, Hugo, and I will spread out the blankets."

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