Chapter 21

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Sofia POV

We'd eaten breakfast in the carriage, and soon enough, we reached Dunwiddie.

Baileywick played the trumpet and introduced us.

"Introducing, King Roland II, Queen Miranda, Crown Princess Sofia, Princess Amber, Prince James of Enchancia, and Prince Hugo of Welshire  and Prince Desmond of Coumore!"

Ruby, Jade and Lucinda came running upto me. They immediately curtsied at me, Mom and Dad.

"Hey. You're my friends. No need to curtsy to me, even when I'll be Queen, please."

"Sofia! There's so many good news to celebrate about!" Ruby yelled all of a sudden.

"Sure is." I chuckled.

"Well, we figured you're a real Princess, then you got engaged, then you became Crown Princess! Oh my god!" Jade said.

"CONGRATULATIONS, SOFIA! Hex!" Lucinda said, and there came a shower of flowers on us.

"Thanks, Lucinda."

"Your Majesties, what brings all of you here?"

"Ruby, when you're King or Queen, it's your duty to visit the village and make sure everything is alright! What do you think about Sofia and Hugo becoming your new King and Queen soon enough though?" Dad said.

"We'd love that. We've already seen Sofia is so caring for her subjects while she's on protector duty, and we'd love seeing her as a Queen. When is her coronation?"

"Whoa! You seem a tad too excited for your next rulers! It's not until two years though."

"You mean until the wedding?" 

"Yes, Jade." Mom said.

"Now, shall we proceed, Papa? I want to know more about Enchancia so I'll be ready by the time I ascend the throne..." Hugo said.

We were taking rounds of the village, and Ruby, Jade and Lucinda were talking all the time.

"Your Majesty, who's going to crown Sofia and Prince Hugo Queen and King?" Jade asked.

"Sofia will be crowned by Baileywick, and Hugo will be crowned by Sofia." Dad said.

"How does Mr. Baileywick get the right to crown her instead of you?" Lucinda asked.

"Jade, the King doesn't crown the next ruler. It's the law for the King to vest some powers temporarily onto the Kingdom/Castle Steward, and he does it."

"Can you tell us the procedure? I'm very interested." Des spoke, after a long time.

"Sure, Desmond. Let's take Sofia's future example. Baileywick needs to ask Sofia to swear if she will protect the Kingdom, help the Kingdom's people whenever they need it, and help other Kingdoms in need. If Sofia does, Baileywick speaks a statement. Baileywick, let's rehearse."

"You're practicing how to crown me, already?"

"Yes, Princess Sofia. I need to make you swear on those three things and then if you accept, I say 'By the power vested in me by King Roland II of Enchancia, I hereby crown you Queen Sofia The First'!" Baileywick said.

"Whoa. But what do I need to say when I crown Hugo?"

"Everything exactly the same, Sofia. Just instead of King Roland II part, you'll say 'By the power vested in me by the people and land of Enchancia, I hereby crown you King Hugo The First'. That's it." Dad said.

"Thanks, Dad." I smiled.

"Wow! I made a whole note of that one! Now I also know how me and my love are going to be crowned!" Des cheered.

We all stared at him. I mean, don't get me wrong, but we all know that Des is kinda shy and quiet, so we were surprised he'd called Amber as 'his love'.

Des just seemed to realise what he'd said, as we were chuckling and cooing for him and Amber.

He started to blush.

"Sorry, Papa. But I didn't mean it that way, I guess?" Des said, trying to make Dad calm down, as he thought Dad was angry at him.

"Hey. What in the Kingdom are you apologising for?" Dad chuckled.

"I know you're mad at me for calling Amber 'my love' but I really do love her, so my feelings for her just slipped out."

"I Love You too, Des." Amber said, and Desmond's eyes sparkled.

"I'm not mad at you. Hugo and Sofia have said that to each other so many times in front of me. In fact, I want that to happen! I don't wanna make my daughters force - marry!"

"We do love each other." Me and Hugo said.

"Us too." Des and Amber said.

"Us too." James said. "Uh, I mean although Viv isn't here, we already confessed our feelings to each other, hence we decided to get married." James blushed.

"It's fine, James! You'll see her tomorrow at the ball." I cheered him up.

I pulled James to other side then.

"What are you doing Sof?"

"Since you blushed, well, I couldn't help but notice..."

"Notice What?"

"HAVEYOUANDVIVKISSED?" I whisper - yelled.

James blushed.

"Yeah, but you're my favourite sister, so please don't tell Amber or Dad or anyone. Well, you can tell Hugo though."

"Why not Am?"

"She'll tell Dad, Sof!"

"Oh, no she won't! She has mine and Hugo's secret, she hasn't told anyone yet."

"What secret?"

"That we've kissed too. Duh."

"Ooh, nice!"

"Hey. James. Now let's get back to the others, quick!" I said, as we were in a dark corner.

But then we saw something on the other dark corner of the road.....That made us freeze. 

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