Chapter 6

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Sofia POV

Amber and Desmond, come in, far away from each other, and Desmond blushing a deep scarlet.

Hugo and I inched away just in time before they could enter.

"Hugo, Sofia, you two are here too?" Amber asked.

"Yeah, Amber. You know how much Sofia loves the nature, even for a betrothal date." Hugo said with a smirk.

I punched him playfully and all of us laughed.

Suddenly, we heard Mom's voice.

"Kids, please come in now. Its getting late."

"Coming!" we all yelled.

As Mom saw all of us coming from the same direction, she looked confused.

"Oh, you all were together in the gardens, that's nice."

We all followed Mom inside.

"Well, we better get going home now." King Garrick or papa, stood up.

"Thanks for the dinner, Your majesty. I mean, papa." Hugo said.

Dad chuckled.

"Yeah, thanks, papa." Desmond agreed.

"Oh, it was nothing. Good night, all of you."

Hugo gave me one last hug before leaving. I went into my room and changed into my pink nightgown. As I came out of my closet room, I saw Amber at my door.

"Amber? Come in."

"How did it go? Tell me everything. Dare not miss a thing, Sof."

"If that's so, lets have a sleepover here at my room? You also might have a lot to tell."

"Sounds great."

We cuddled with pillows.

"So, Sofia, Mind telling me first?"


"We went into the gardens and sat on the bench and we were discussing how we felt when we learnt about our betrothal to each other and Hugo said that he wasn't going to make a forced marriage outta this, but he was going to make a love marriage and he said he loves me."

"How romantic on your first date as about to be life partners!" Amber cooed

I smirked. 

"You haven't got to the best part. Please don't tell anyone, but you can tell James."

"I won't, unless you permit me to."

"Yeah, Thanks. Anyways, after that I told him I loved him too, but we noticed our faces were so close. Hugo began inching closer, I guess he wanted to kiss me, but we heard you coming and we sat apart."

"Aw, looks like I ruined my little sister's best moment of the date."

"I don't mind. I guess we were going pretty fast in our relationship. Thanks, Amber."

Amber and I reduced to giggles after this.

"Now, its your turn, Amber."

"Nothing much, we were roaming around. Des was super sweet, but he kept stuttering."

"Well, he wouldn't be Desmond if he won't stutter."

"We decided to go in the gardens and as we reached, Mom called us. That's it."

We smiled at each other, squeezed our hands and fell asleep.

Hugfia - A LOVE STORY - BETROTHEDWhere stories live. Discover now