Chapter 7

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Hugo POV

I smiled to myself and went to sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be just like old times.

Flashback (That evening)

"So, dad, can I take her Ice - Dancing?"

"Sure, Champ. But I'll have to send Roland a letter right away so Sofia can join you tomorrow after her school at CSS."

"Thanks, Dad. You're the best!"

"Yes, Don't I know that? Anyways, after Sofia's school hours, you have to go pick her ice dancing gear and her too and take her to CSS. Is that fine?"

"Why wouldn't it be?"

Dad laughed at my sense of humor this evening.

" Okay, Champ, you better get to bed now."

"Goodnight Dad."

"Goodnight Hugo".

End of Flashback

My maid, Caroline, came and woke me up today in the morning.

I immediately smiled at the memory  of last evening.

I decided to take a shower. Today, I wore my favourite outfit {as I was going to pick Sofia too ; )}

My white button up, grey pants, Black coat and red bowtie. Nothing can spoil my day today.

I get some breakfast and rush to my carriage for school.

At school

Okay I take 25% back of my sentence when I said nothing can spoil my day.

As soon as I entered the campus, I met my most best princess friend.

If you didn't get that, let me tell you that it was just a big, giant, sarcasm.

"Oh, Hugo, you're here!"

She traced a line down my chest and I winced.

"What do you want now, Diana?"

"Oh, nothing. Just that I wanted to talk to you." She said with a bored face.


"Is it true that you're now betrothed to Princess Sofia of Enchancia?"

"Yes, so what?"

"Nothing, just catching up with you."

"Catching up means what? Talking about my betrothed? Well, if that's the case, I don't want to catch up with you." I frowned.

"Oh, don't frown, it ruins your handsome face. Anyways, I'll see you later, Hugo!"

Glad that's over.

 I walked to my locker. My best friends, Victor and Alistair, came to me.

"Someone is betrothed to the prettiest princess in the realm." Victor and Alistair said in a sing - song.

Wow, news sure travels fast.

"Yeah, whatever. So, shall we go to our classes?"

Victor and Alistair nodded.

"We'll talk about this later, Hugo!"

I smirked and went to my first class: Flying Derby!

Sofia POV

School hours were over, Amber had gone home, but she told me to stay as some other carriage would take me home, so, I sat in the library and began reading.

After sometime, I was startled by a voice.

"Sofia? Thank goodness, I thought I'd get lost searching for the library, because  I knew you would be here!"

"Hugo? What are you doing here?"

"I'm gonna take you somewhere."

"Home, right? Well, Dad's gonna send someone, and we don't want the other coachman who is about arrive think that I was kidnapped and send a search party for me."

"Sofia, I'm that someone that Papa, or Your Dad sent. C'mon, let's go."

"Oh, okay then."

We got onto his carriage and before we know it we were in the air.

The carriage landed near a blue castle kind of a building.

"Hugo, where are we?"

Hugfia - A LOVE STORY - BETROTHEDWhere stories live. Discover now