Chapter 73

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Sofia POV

"Dear, it's beautiful, but over here this dress feels a little weird." Hugo said.

I smiled at him.

"Then, should I mention that you've torn off all my non - revealing dresses when you were soo horny?" I said.

"Okay, okay, fine." He admitted.

I saw Mom and Mama trying to stifle a laugh.

I sat crosslegged on the bed, and just as I was reaching for my gown, Mama turned away.

"Mama?" I asked.

"You must be feeling strange, right?" She asked.

"No, Mom helps sometimes in the mornings too! What is there to hide  from your own mothers?" I said.

Mama turned around, and saw me.

I smiled at her.

Soon, Hugo helped me position the babies, and after they were done, we made them burp.

"Can I hold them?" Mama asked.

"Sure." I said.

The babies cooed, and fell asleep.

We laughed, and Mama put them in their beds.

"Now let's go see what those princes are up to." I smiled.

I changed into my gown, and we went to their room.

"Edward, Arthur." I said.

They looked up.

"Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad." They smiled.

"We've bought someone to see you." I said, and Mama came in.

"I can't recognise her, but she looks a lot like Dad." Edward said.

We laughed.

"This is your father's mother. Your Grandma, just like Grand Mum." I said.

They looked at Mama, and ran forward and hugged her. Mama received them, delighted.

"Grandma, why didn't you ever visit earlier?" Edward asked.

"She was a little sick, back in Welshire." I replied.

"Okay." Arthur smiled.

"My, Arthur, you look just like Your Father as a four year old!" Mama exclaimed.

"Yeah, he got my handsome looks." Hugo smirked.

"And, Heather got her mother's beautiful looks." Mom said.

"Aha! Major comeback!" Mama said, and Hugo groaned.

Soon, we were having dinner.

"So, it's settled, then?" I asked.

"Yes, Axel, Brianna, and their kids stay in Welshire to rule, but they come here always, and Me and Garrick shift here. But, is that okay with you?" Mama said.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Hugo said.

We all laughed.

Soon, we chatted in the living room, and soon, went to sleep.

The next morning!

"Morning, Hugo." I said.

"Morning, babe." He said.

"Let's go." I pulled him.

We took a bath, got dressed, and went down. My dress turned yellow.

"Papa, Axel, Brianna, Elise? What are you doing here so early?" I rushed to them, with Hugo.

"Well, we got a message from Roland to come early. So, yeah." Papa chuckled.

"Hmm. Did he tell you anything else?" I asked.

"Nope." Dad said, coming behind me.

"Baileywick, bring the Former Queen in." I said.

"Right away, Your Majesty." He said.

As Mama stepped down the last stair, I saw them, and Papa, Axel and Bri were shocked.

"Is that - " Papa started.

"Sienna." Mom finished, nodding.

"Sienna!" Papa said, and held her hand.

"How?" He had tears in his eyes.

We explained everything to them.

"Thank you, Sofia. So much." Papa, Axel, and Bri came up, and hugged me.

"It's my pleasure."

"Garrick, we're staying here now." Mama said.

"Okay, Mom. I'll have all your stuff transported here. We'll always be visiting." Axel said.

Mama opened her arms, and Axel and Hugo went rushing, and hugged her.

Hugo came up to me, and he didn't care about anything.

He just locked his lips with mine, tight.

We broke apart after a long time, and Hugo kissed me on the forehead.

"Thank You, Sofia." He said.

We looked at each other and smiled.

Soon, evening came.

Axel and Brianna left with Elise, and the rest of us had dinner.

Next day, I'd requested something to be put up in the living room.

"Prince Edward, Prince Arthur, Prince Lucas, Princess Ava, Princess Olivia, up in the front. King Hugo and Queen Sofia behind them, in the centre. Queen Amber and King Desmond to the right of the Queen Sofia and King Hugo, and King James and Queen Vivian at the left. Queen Vivian and King James holding babies Prince Oliver, and Princess Emily respectively, and King Hugo and Queen Sofia holding babies Princess Sabrina and Princess Heather respectively. Former King Garrick and Former Queen Sienna on the extreme right, and Former King Roland and Former Queen Miranda on the extreme left, please." Baileywick instructed, and we stood as told.

Soon, the portrait was made, and put up in the living room.

Our Family Portrait.

Me and Hugo hugged each other.

And, as they say, we lived happily ever after.

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