Chapter 63

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Sofia POV

A/N - If you don't like this stuff, skip to 'You're Free.'

Me and Hugo reached our room, and we took off our clothes, and put them in your closet, well, that's because I'd insisted not to tear them, they were awesome!

Now, Hugo was so impatient that he picked me in bridal style and put me on the bed.

"What? Has two weeks of no sex made you sooo hungry?" I smirked.

"What else?" He said, and locked his lips with mine.

We kissed again and again, and he left hickeys on my neck, and I moaned.

He kissed me everywhere, and squeezing my breasts, began to eat me out.

He was very fast, and my legs were shivering, and my mouth was unable to stop constant moans.            

I cummed, and he glided up to me. I gave him a handjob as he kissed me again and again.

I got up, and reached down.

I made him lie down and gave him a blowjob, and he moaned.

He cummed, and I licked him clean.

He gave a finger fuck, and I was moaning hard.

Soon, I lay down on the bed, and he got up.

He entered me, and began moving really slow.

"Ahh - And you're so hard!" I moaned.

My legs were really shivering, as he was on top of me, so he was reaching a really far extent in my vagina, constantly hitting the g - spot, hard, but slow. I'd cummed several times, and he'd too. But, we were still hungry for each other.

Soon, he lay down, and I saw it was 4.

Suddenly, as I'd positioned myself, I noticed something.

"Uh - Hugo?" I asked.

"You finally got it?" He smirked.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"I thought it was about time for Edward and Arthur to get another sibling." Hugo said.                 

"Hmm." I said, giving him a handjob, and kissing him.

"This was the gift?" I asked.

"It was." He said.

"Best gift ever." I laughed.

I lay down on him, positioned his dick, and made it enter me. I moaned.

Me and Hugo took turns moving hard in me, and I was full of cum.

The sun had risen, but we were still fucking.

At about 6:30, he exited me, and entered me again, and I slept on top of him.

A/N - You're Free!

I rubbed my eyes open, to find Mum and Dad waking us up.

"C'mon, it's 10!" Dad said.

"Oh finally, Sofia's awake." Mom said.

I kissed Hugo, and he woke up too.

"Morning, Mom, Papa." He said.

"When did you two sleep? And, Hugo, the promise?" Mom asked, excited.      

"About 7, and yeah, I kept it." Hugo laughed.

I laughed.

"I got to know at about 4." I said.

"Okay, now you two better change, and come down!" Dad said.

We nodded, and they left.

We took a bath, got dressed, and headed downstairs.

I already started throwing up after breakfast.

"Alrighty. Whatever, can we call that same Female gynacologist this time too?"  I asked.

"Sure - " Hugo started, and I rushed to the washroom again.

"There she goes." Hugo said.

"Dad, what's happened to Mum?" I heard Edward, and Hugo was coming after me, and the boys had tagged along.

"Well, soon enough, you're getting a brother or sisters." I heard him.

I was done by that time, and I came out.

"Not one, two." I said.

"What?" Hugo asked.

"What did the Doctor say about twins last time?" I asked.

"Hard?" Hugo asked.

"We have done that. What else?" I said.

"Too much Morning Sickness?" Hugo said.

I nodded.

"Okay, whatever." Hugo said.

"Mom, what do you mean by we'll be getting two siblings?" Edward asked.

"Well, after about 9 months, a stork will drop off two babies, and they'll be your siblings!" I told them.

"Wow." They said, and ran to Mom and Dad.

"Grand Mom, Grand Dad!" They yelled.

"Whoa - What is it, boys?"

"Mom said a stork will drop off two babies after 9 months, and they're going to be our siblings!" They said.

Mom hugged me.

"How did you know it's twins again?" She asked.

"All the factors of being pregnant with twins have arisen.." I said.

Soon, we'd announced the news, and the Doctor had checked me up, and confirmed the 'twins' fact.

Soon, it was evening, and Hugo, Me and Mom and Dad were in Mine and Hugo's room, chatting.

I'd fallen asleep soon enough, and I saw Hugo kissed me on the forehead, and wrapped me up.

Can't wait for my next little babies!!      

A/N - Hey, everyone. The conflict starts from next chapter, where I'll time skip 8 months. Yeah, sorry. But, I figured out if I'll not do a little time skip, maybe this book would've reached 100 chapters or something. See ya!                                                                                                        

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