Chapter 53

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Sofia POV

"I think - I - sprained my ankle." I groaned.

"Just that? No problem." Hugo said, and scooped me up in bridal - style.

"But, Hugo. It's a big problem for now. How will Sofia look after Edward and Arthur?" Mom asked, pointing to the babies, who were both asleep in Dad's arms.

"Mom, it's really no problem. Those windwalker husband - wife protectors - uh - " Hugo started.

"Orion and Vega." I chuckled.

Ding - Dong. The doorbell ringed. Oh no, no! Too late.

Edward and Arthur already woke up and started crying. Hugo put me on a chair because I couldn't stand, and Me and Hugo were calming them down. Or atleast, trying to.

The guard came in.

"Guard." I ordered "Who is it at this time of the night?"

"Queen Sofia, two people wish to speak with you. Shall I send them in here?" He asked.

"Do that." I said.

Suddenly, Orion and Vega walked in.

"Orion? Vega? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, Sofia, when you fell or something, you might have pressed the only talking to us button on your enchantlet." Vega said.

I saw a purple light ignited on my enchantlet.

I pressed it off.

"Sorry. But you could just call and tell me. Why did you come down here?" I asked, confused.

"Well, we woke up at your yelling when you fell, and we heard that you sprained yourself, and your Mother said you needed to care for your babies, which you couldn't in a sprain. So we bought you this." Orion extended his hand.

"Thank You, Orion." Hugo said, hugging him lightly.

"Mom, I was talking about this. Once Sofia got  her leg sprained in the Mystic Isles, and they put this herb on her foot, and it was healed in an hour." Hugo said.

I was smiling at them, and I didn't realize what Edward and Arthur were doing on my lap.

"Sofia. Take a look at your sons." Vega chuckled.

They were both grasping one side of my amulet, trying too eat it. When I gently took it from them, they tried to pull down my gown.

"Wait. Has waking up in the middle of the night made you hungry?" I asked, and they cooed.

"Okay, that's fine, but how do I get to my room to feed you?" I mumbled.

"We'll all leave. Feed them here." Vega suggested.

"There are cameras here." I pointed out.

"Oh." She said.

"Mom, Papa, can you take Edward and Arthur once?" Hugo asked them, and I got confused.

Mom and Dad were confused too, but they did it.

Hugo bent down, and scooped me up in his arms.

"Whoa - " I said.

"Now, it'll be easy. Orion, thanks for the herb." Hugo said, and signified to Orion to give it to me.

"Our pleasure." Orion and Vega smirked, and flew away.

I held the herb, and Hugo held me. Mom and Dad were behind us, holding the babies.

"Shall we?" Hugo asked.

"Straight to our room." I smiled.

"That's like my wife." Hugo said, and walked to our room.

Hugo gently put me on the bed, sitting upright. Dad handed Arthur to Hugo, and left the room.

"But, Hugo, this gown is not an off - shoulder one. So - " I started.

"Mom and I'll change your clothes. Stay here, I'll bring your nightgown." He said.

Hugo bought a see - through off shoulder nightgown.

"Hugo. Never mind." I said.

Mom looked at the nightgown and smirked.

"Looks like my son's really naughty in the night." She smirked.

"Believe me Mom, I am. Too bad Sofia's ankle is sprained, I really feel like to have sex with her, so I can't tonight. Atleast she can sleep with me in her hot nightwear." Hugo said.

Hugo took of my dress, and removed my bra. He reached for my panties, but Mom interuppted him.

"Hugo, first make her wear the dress, and feed the babies. Then I'll leave, and you can remove her unders." Mom said.

Hugo nodded, and then thought about it, and smirked.

"Actually, they days we don't have sex, we usually sleep naked. So, there's no need of this dress." Hugo threw the dress away.

"Hugo, get it back." I said.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"If some of my milk drips, it'll drip on the clothing. If it drips on me, I'll get sticky and have to take a bath, which I can't right now." I said, and pointed to my ankle.

"I'll help you take a bath." Hugo said.

"Hugo." I said.

"Okay, fine!" He said.

I kissed him.

"I'll remove everything for you when we're alone." I said.

"Okay, that's a good idea." Hugo smiled.

He made me wear the dress, and I pulled it down.

Hugo positioned the boys over me, who had their milk, and Hugo and Mom made them burp.

Hugo went with them to their room, put them in their crib, and came back to me.

Mom smiled and went away.

Hugo completely undressed me, and put the herb on my ankle and wrapped the blanket on me.

He undressed himself, and came, wrapped himself in the blanket, and came closer to me.

We kissed, and I gave him a handjob, as I saw he had a condom on.

I made his dick starighten and enter me and I was sideways to him. We slept that way, with him in me.

The next morning!

I woke up at 7:30 a.m., and looked at Hugo. My ankle felt better, but he was still inside me, and I moaned lightly.

Suddenly, I heard the boys wailing.

"Breakfast time." I mumbled, slowly exited his dick out of me, got dressed, and went to their room, and I bumped into Mom.

"Mom - "

"Wow, Sofia. You're all okay now." She said.

"Yeah, that herb does really work." I said.

"Sofia, Eddie and Arthur." Mom said, and I nodded.

We went there, and Mom helped me feed them. I fed them, made them burp, and they fell asleep.

"Where's Dad?" I asked.

"Not up yet. Looks like only mothers can always hear their babies crying." She said.

"Same here." I laughed.

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