Chapter 10

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Sofia POV

"I am, Sofia." Amber said, lifting her gown and rushing away.

"Huh? To where?"

"Take a guess."

"A tea party?"

"No, Sofia."

"Please, at least gimme a hint."

"Okay.....If you are going out ice - dancing with Hugo, then where would I go?"

"Oh. To the Coumore palace? Lunch with Desmond? Library with Desmond?"

Then, Amber shook her head and gave me the answer I was never expecting.

"Leave it, Sof. I'm going Flying Horse riding with Des."

"Whoa. Okay. But are you sure this outfit is okay for that? And Des, can he ride properly?"

"Not every princess or prince is on the Flying Derby  team, Sofia."

"Yes, that's why I asked you if Des can handle it."

Amber held her hand up.

"Please, Sofia, I'm already very nervous and you need to stop freaking me out."

Suddenly Mom appeared out of nowhere. 

"Coming through!" James yelled, racing very fast on his wheely shoes.

James crashed straight into Mom and lost his balance and fell on Amber, making her fall too.

Mom fell on me, making me fall too.

Dad came in hearing all the noise.

"What's all that noise about? Wait. Uh, James why are you on top of Amber? And Miranda? Why are you on top of Sofia? You don't want to squash her to death, do you?"

Everyone got up.

"Oh, Dad. It was nothing. James came racing on his wheely shoes, crashed onto Mom, fell on top of Amber, and Mom fell on me. That's it."

All of us laughed, but then Dad got serious about it.

"Oh, okay, but James, have Cedric put some brakes on those shoes, so that you can stop. This time, it was a small incident. But, in future, we don't want you falling of the castle terrace do we?"

"Okay, Dad. I'll remove these and take them to Cedric right away." James rushed off.

"Mom, why were you here in the first place? Just roaming around, or you wanted to tell us something?"

"Yes, Sofia. But I needed to talk to Amber."

"Oh. Okay. Carry on, I'm right here."

"Amber, dear, no need to be scared. I know Hugo is on the Flying Derby and Desmond is not. So, I talked to Desmond and Hugo. I called them, and Hugo voluntarily offered Electra, to go with you, so Electra wouldn't allow you to fall or something, in case that is happening. And, Amber, hurry along, Desmond is waiting at the door for you."

"Thanks, Mother, you're the best mother I could wish for!" Amber said, hugging Mom, and rushing off again.

"Thank God Electra is with them. Now I'm not worrying for Amber and Des coming home injured."

"Hey, anyways, Sofia there's a ball tomorrow. Rollie couldn't hold his happiness about his daughters' betrothal and decided to throw a ball for it. In the evening, at 6. Be ready, tomorrow."

"Okay, Mom. "

"And, please, inform Amber."

"I will, Mom."

I gave her a hug, and went back to my room. I painted a little, and started chatting with clover, Mia, and Robin.

Suddenly, Baileywick appeared. All my pet friends tried to hide, but Baileywick noticed them.

"No need to hide, pet friends. I know about Princess Sofia's powers now."

I smiled and gestured them to come out.

"Now, Princess Sofia, please get down in five minutes. It's going to be time for your Royal Dinner."


"Yes, Sofia?"

"Is Amber home?"

"Yes, and she's been looking for you."

"Okay. I'll be there in five. Thank you."

"Anytime, Princess Sofia."

"Yo, Princess. Baileywick really knows?" Clover urged. 

"Yes, Clover. You forget all the time, that my entire family and friends know about the secrets of my Amulet since I defeated Vor before the graduation party, 4 years ago."

"Oh, yeah. Now, Princess, you should really get down before your sister gets furious, and comes marching with troops to your room."

"Yeah, then, bye."

And I went to the Dining room.

"Princess Sofia, You're 30 seconds....."

I cut him off.

"Sorry, Baileywick, I know, 30 seconds late is also not acceptable to you."

"30 seconds early, not late."

"What? Oh, Okay."

Amber came into the Dining room.

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