Chapter 43

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Sofia POV

Axel and Papa had a worried look on their faces when I came back with Brianna.

"Sofia, all good?" Hugo asked.

"Yeah. Just it happens again and again." I said.

"Sofia, are you alright? Are you not well?" Axel and Papa asked.

"Axel, Papa, you'd have to guess for that one. In which possible situation does a lady throw up again and again?"

"FOOD POISONING!" They both yelled, and we all laughed.

"No, you're wrong. I'm pregnant." I chuckled.

They took some time to register that news.

"Whoa! Congratulations!" Papa said.

Axel  went up to Hugo.

"Heyy...Didn't think you'd make her pregnant right away. Were you waiting that long?" He teased, and I laughed.

"You should've seen him last night." I muttered.

"Well, how could I? You both wouldn't have your privacy then? Right?" He said, and I blushed.

Baileywick came up to me.

"Your Majesty, the last thing on the to - do scroll and you're done." He said.

"Tell us, Baileywick."

"You'll have to travel to Dunwiddie for that." He said.

"Let's go. Get a coach out." Hugo ordered.

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Baileywick, get the four seater coach out though." Mom said.

"Why, what happened, Mom?" I asked.

"It's been long since we visited. So, Can we tag along?" She asked.

"Sure, Mom." I said.

We all went aboard our respective coaches. Papa, Axel and Brianna tagged along too, wishing to see the Enchancian village.

All 4 of our coaches landed in Dunwiddie soon, and we got down.

"Yes, Baileywick. What is it?" I asked.

"Queen Sofia, you have a meeting here. Miss Ruby, Miss Jade and Miss Lucinda wanted to congratulate you on your wedding." He said.

"Sofia!" They came rushing up to me.

"Hi guys!" I said.

They curtsied at me and Hugo then.

"Hey. I'm tired of all this stuff at the castle. Please don't do this." I groaned.

"That's not a hormone thing, alright." Hugo chuckled.

"Hormone thing?" The three of them asked.

"Baileywick, I need you to run an errand."

"Yes, Queen Sofia?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, if you're Queen, you have to be called 'Queen' right, babe? So, calm down at that." Hugo said, and Baileywick nodded at this.

"Okay, Baileywick! Can you get around the coach, and ask the people of Dunwiddie to come here? I believe we have to make an announcement, an important thing for the future of our Kingdom." I said.

"Of course, Your Majesty."

Within 15 minutes, all people of Dunwiddie were at the clearing where we were standing.

"Hugo, please do it." I said.

"Okay." He stood up on a high rock, so everyone could hear and see him.

"People of Enchancia, this is an important announcement. Your Queen is pregnant with our child!" He said, and within a few seconds, everyone cheered, and congratulated.

"All hail King Hugo! All hail Queen Sofia! Long live the King and Queen!" The crowd cheered.

Hugo and I smiled at each other, as he got down. 

Soon, we everyone was gone, and we chatted with Ruby, Jade, and Lucinda, and came back home. It was evening. Papa, Axel and Bri left.

Our siblings offered they stay another hour, and we gladly accepted.

"Well, if that's taken care of, when will we tell our friends?" Amber asked.

"Hugo's birthday is day after tomorrow. We'll invite everyone for a party, and we can tell them." I said.

"Now that's a good idea." Mom and Dad smiled.

"Mom, Dad, will you promise me something?" Me and Hugo asked.

"Sure, Sofia." They said, and both of them held our hands.

"Please, now, you must be thinking - I'm married now, and I'm a Queen, and now, Hugo and I'll be bringing a baby into our lives, so I don't need you anymore, Just like Grand Mom had thought, and had shifted. Promise me you wouldn't do that. It's not like that at all. I and Hugo will always need you. You and Mom will always be more experienced in life than us, and we'll need your guidance from time to time. I wish you live here for the rest of the journey you have ahead." Mom and Dad smiled, and Hugo nodded at my words.

"Sure we will, Sofia and Hugo. We'll never go away from you." They said, and hugged us.

"And we'd be there to guide you, but let me tell you, we'll totally spoil your princes or princesses." They laughed, and I did too.

"Now, Sofia, Hugo, can we tell you something about making love, here? If you don't mind in front of your siblings?"

"Sure, Mom." I said.

"Amber, James, Desmond and Vivian, this will apply to you in future too." Dad said, and they nodded.

"When your wives get pregnant, it is only safe to have sex until the first four months, that too not as harsh as usual" Dad smirked at us. "But, after that, it is not allowed as if you do that, you ejaculate, and female ejaculation is not safe for the baby at and after the period of 5 months in pregnancy. So, we'd suggest, whenever your wives get pregnant, have as much as fun as you want until only four months, and never after that until your baby is born. Get it, boys?" Dad said.

"Yes, Papa." Hugo and Des said.

"Yeah, Dad." James said.

Mom spoke up.

"Now, all men, please shift from this room to another, I need to educate the women about that too." She said, and all the men walked away, including Dad.

"Girls, in pregnancy, as your Father said, have as much as fun as you want until four months. Not after that until the baby is born. Now, the thing is, after four months, you'll feel really like to have sex and kind of horny...And, you need to control that, you can do anything at that time period, just don't have sex. Since Sofia was the first one to get pregnant, she'll understand that sooner than you two, but never mind. Okay?"

"Okay, Mom." Me and Amber said.

"Okay, Mama." Vivian said.

"Our dear husbands, you can come here now." Mom yelled, and the men came back.

James looked at the time.

"Oh, dear. Viv, let's go. It's getting too late. Justin must be worried sick, who knows he'll send out a search party for us!" He said.

"Who's Justin?" I asked.

"Our castle steward." Viv said.

"Oh, Okay." I said.

"Yeah, we better go too." Am and Des said.

"Bye, everyone!" We waved.

"Your Majesties, the Royal Dinner is served." Baileywick came up.

We four ate dinner, chatted, and departed to our rooms at 1 a.m.

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