Chapter 9

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Sofia POV

"Believe me too, Hugo, I Love You more."

"I know you do."

We practiced for a little while and then,

"Hey, Sofia, just wanna show my extra fireball flip."

"Uhh...You mean five? Wow, four is already impressive, but five is gonna be ah - mazing!"


He tried to take off into the air, but luck was not on his side today. A big gust of wind flew across him, causing him to fall, but straight on top of me.

What I didn't realise, was that when he fell on me, our lips met each other.

When we were on the ground, our mouths were still connected, but both of us were too shocked to move or kiss.

Hugo pulled away and stood up immediately.

He offered me a hand up, and immediately began apologizing.

"Sofia, I'm so so sorry! I - that - gust of wind - uh.."

"Hugo? Hugo!"

I kept calling his name but he didn't listen and kept on blabbering.

"I - I fell  unintentionally really that's why that happened. I know you want to go slow and gradual in our betrothal relationship"

I decided to cut him off.

I suddenly connected our  lips, rolling  my tongue in his mouth and he was so shocked that he didn't move an inch.

Suddenly, he kissed me back and we kissed for like a minute, perhaps?

"Woah." he remarked.

"That was my first time kissing anyone. What about you, Hugo?"

"Mine too. But why did you?"

"You were blabbering on and on, and I ha to make you stop. I called your name, but you weren't listening. So.."

"Oh, anyways, you could've fooled me it was your first time, you're a great kisser, Sof. Anyways, can I get something sweet to have now?"

"How so? There's no confectionary or ice cream shops nearby."

"Something sweeter than cakes and ice cream, Sofia."

"Huh? Like what?"

"Like this."

With that, he pressed his lips to mine again.

We pushed after an entire minute.

"Anyways, mind dropping me home, Hugo?"

"Oh, yeah. It's getting late. Let's get you home, Sof."

When we arrived at the Enchancian castle, I gave him a peck on the cheek, and waved him Goodbye.


I saw James on his wheely shoes, with a confused look on his face.

"Hi, James."

"Yeah, but how did you get home? Dad never sent an extra carriage, and I didn't see with Amber."

"Hugo. He took me ice - dancing at his school, and then dropped me."

"Okay then." smirked James.

I saw Amber coming from her room in a high ponytail, pink dress, with a silver tiara with pink diamonds to match."

"Woah, Amber! You look great! But why are you roaming in the castle with all your glory, as if you're going somewhere."

"I am, Sofia."

Hugfia - A LOVE STORY - BETROTHEDWhere stories live. Discover now