Chapter 15

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A/N - New POV!! Anyways, I need an opinion, so I thought my readers can help! Well, according to the story, should I change the name of the story? If you do want a change in the name of the story, gimme a new name idea too. And if you think you don't want this, just type an 'it's okay'

Amber POV

What the hell. Something is sure going on in these hallways of the second floor. Sofia and Hugo are literally - kissing? Geez. Oh wait, they just broke apart.

"Hugo, are you crazy?"

Hugo was smirking.

"Why? Don't you like it?"

I would've stepped out and beaten up these two and called Daddy and Mother, but Sofia said something which made me calm down and soft for them, but I'm disappointed at her as well.

"I know we've done this a couple of times, but there was no one back there and then! And, this, it's my castle! Someone could see us!"

"Okay, I'm sorry, Mom."

"What? Shut up. Idiot."

"But I'm your idiot."

"Not yet. Wait four years for that one."

"Okay, fine!"

"Now, Prince Hugo Harrison, please go to bed for the sake of the Holy Waters!"

"Yeah. Goodnight, Sof."

And, horror of horrors, Hugo started leaning in to kiss Sofia again. Geez, I can't watch that again.

"Hugo, stop it. No more of that, at least tonight."

Hugo rolled his eyes, heavily sighed, and departed to his room. Sofia's room is just next to mine, so she approached there.

I quickly caught her hand and pulled her in my room.

"Whoa - "

"Shhh! Sofia, we don't want anyone to here us."

"Amber, what's gotten into you?"

"Listen. Go change into your nightgown, put off your tiara, grab a pillow and come to my room."


"Ya, with some urgent business."

"Okay, give me ten minutes, because this gown is really - "

"I know. Just go, and let your hair down. You look really pretty since your hair has grown all to your back."

"Okay. I'll be here."

Ten minutes later, Sofia came in, with a pillow in her hand, and Clover.

"Oh, you bringing Clover along?"

"Yes. Is that fine with you, Amber?"

"Obviously, he's my friend too."

I had become familiar with Clover, Mia, Robin, Whatnaught and Skye. We spent a lotta time together, playing in Sofia's garden. Although I couldn't understand them, but Sofia told me whatever they were saying to me.

"Amber? Amber?" Sofia was waving a hand in front of my face.

"Oh! Sorry for that."

"It's okay,  but you were launched into space!"

"Yeah, whatever. Anyways, we can play cards and sleep in our tent, but first, the urgent business."

"What is it?"

"What were you two doing?"

Sofia gulped. She knew what I was talking about.

"Uhh, who two?"

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