Chapter 46

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Sofia POV

We took a shower, got dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast.

Guess pregnancy hormones make you forget things.

I forgot my tiara upstairs. Lucky for me, Hugo bought it.

I don't usually care about tiaras.

But, today, Amber was coming over, so you know....

Lucky for me, Hugo noticed it and brought it downstairs.

But, then he forgot to give it to me.

We sat down for breakfast, and he placed it on the dining table.

Mom and Dad looked at us.

"What?" I asked.

"Sofia, you know your sister's going to explode if she notices you're not wearing your tiara, right?" Mom asked.

"Oh, yeah. I'll get it after breakfast." I said.

"I think I'm forgetting something." Hugo mumbled.

"What is it, babe?" I asked.

Dad looked somewhere on the table and began to laugh.

"Well, I sure heard that during pregnancy women forget things, but I didn't know men do too." He laughed.

"Papa? What is it?" Hugo asked.

"Look to Hugo's right side, both of you." He said.

I looked and I saw my tiara.

"Oh, yeah! I saw Sofia forgot her tiara, and I brought it for her, but I forgot to give it to her." Hugo said.

He picked it up, I lowered my head, and he placed the tiara on my head.

"I'm eating right now, but remember, I owe you a kiss." I said.

"That's pretty nice, but why did you say you 'owed me' a kiss?" Hugo asked.

"Three, actually. I owe you three kisses for saving me and our babies from Amber's yelling." I said.

"Eat fast, then. I can't wait." He said, smirking.

"Hugo, Sofia H - Ahem." Dad said.

"Can all the staff here give us a little time to ourselves?" Mom said.

"No, wait." Hugo stepped up. "Papa, if something is private, we can talk about it in the night. We sleep after chatting privately anyways."

"Yes, Hugo, that's a good idea." Dad smiled.

"Staff, you may resume your work." Hugo ordered.

A guard came in.

"King Hugo, Queen Sofia." He said.

Hugo and I gave him a questioning look.

"The King and Queen of Coumore and Zumaria are here to see you." He said, bowed, and left.

Amber and James hugged me lightly.

Baileywick came rushing in.

"Hi, Baileywick! Nice to see you!" Amber and James smiled.

He smiled and bowed at them.

"Baileywick! Why are you rushing?" I asked.

"King Sofia, Queen Hugo." We all tried to stifle a laugh, and Baileywick realised what he'd said.

"I beg your pardon, King Hugo and Queen Sofia." He said.

"Baileywick! Calm down first! Here, take some water." Hugo said, and handed him a glass.

Baileywick drank it, and became calm.

"But, this is really urgent. Queen Brianna of Welshire is in labour, and she's having many complications, and needs help." He said.

"What are complications in labour?" James innocently blurted out.

"Babe, when you're not able to give birth or push your baby out, and your body is too weak for labour, it's known as complications." Viv said.

"Oh no. That's what happened to Lorelei. That's why she passed away. I don't want that to happen to Brianna. Let's all go. We have to help her deliver her baby." We all rushed to our coaches, and took off to Welshire.

We reached, and Elijah, the castle steward, bowed.

"Let me escort you, Your - " He started.

"No time, Elijah. Your Queen needs help." Hugo said, and we rushed to Axel's and Bri's room.

The Doctor and Axel were there, urging Brianna to push. We rushed to her.

She was shouting and breathing very heavy.

In some time, we heard a baby's cry, and Brianna's breathing relaxed.

"Ax? Is it really - " She started.

"Elise." Axel finished.

The doctor wrapped the baby into a blanket, and put her in Brianna's arms.

Axel and Brianna were crying of happiness, and Hugo knelt down to the little Princess, and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you." Bri and Axel said to us, and I clasped her hand.

"You okay now, Bri?" I said, and she nodded.

Soon, we were back home, and Am, Des, James and Viv returned.

It was 9 in the night. We ate, and started chatting. We four were alone, so Hugo knelt down to me.

"Hugo, what are you - " Before I could finish, he kissed my baby bump, and Mom and Dad cooed.

He got up, and kissed me next.

"I never saw a woman in labour, I never knew. Thanks for all this trouble you're going through for our babies, Sofia." He said, touching my baby bump.

"Hugo - " Mom started.

I was clasping my baby bump.

"Mom, before you say something, may I have a word with my husband?" I asked.

"Hugo, touch here." I put his hand on my bump. "These, are our babies. When we go through labour, bedrest, morning sickness, no sex, and a thousand medicines, you might think that we go through a lot of trouble. But, when you said last night that you'll never have or allow me to have sex until the babies are born, I felt very happy. You showed your care for them. Then, imagine, when we go through all of this stuff during pregnancy, imagine how much we'd be caring for them. You were happy when you said we'd not have sex for five months, imagine what a feeling of happiness and contentness we must be getting. As for the labour period, why do we make so many efforts? Why don't we give up even though if we die? Because we want a future, and a secure one, for our baby. Keep yourself in my place, Hugo, and imagine." I said.

I glanced at Mom, who was holding Dad's hand, and was smiling towards us.

"Sofia, you know, this was what I was going to say. You know, Sofia. You must be thinking sometimes if you'll be a good, protective and strong mother. Some pregnant ladies and mothers can't answer this question that easily. Saying these lines, I have understood you have the makings of a great mother. I'm proud of you." Mom said.

"Me too." Dad nodded.

Hugo suddenly took his hand of my bump. I looked at him.

"I'm sorry, Sofia. I've realised my mistake. I love you so much." Hugo said, hugging me. 

It turned 12 a.m., the first day of my 5th month. Best of all, today afternoon would be the gender reveal of our babies!

Suddenly, I felt something in my stomach. It - 

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