12. Advice from a friend

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Hardin's POV:

Ugh I'm so stupid.

I get out of my train of thought when I get a video call from my bestfriend.

I get off my bed, sit at my desk, and answer it.

"Heyyyy," Adriana says. "Hey Ada," I say. "What's wrong," she asks. "Nothing," I answer. "Sorry ok let me rephrase, what did you do," she says. I take a deep breath. "I fucked up," I say simply. "Oh shit, what did you do this time," she says. I tell her everything.

When I'm done she looks at me. "Your a bloody idoit," she says. "Yeah I know," I say. "No I dont think you do considering you broke the girls heart three times in one day," she says. "What do you mean," I ask.

"She was already upset by Melissa being on the cheerleading team, then being friend zoned by her long time crush must have made her feel worse also saying that the kissing her was a mistake," Ada starts.

"So she gets a adorable gift by someone who saw her upset at school, cause as you said she's really popular so I'm pretty sure no one would want her to be upset. So in retaliation of her "trying to make you jealous," you wanted to sleep with her friend. You started to feel like shit when you heard what she said but then remembered that she "started it" so you didn't feel bad about it. But it backfired on you when you found out that it was her idea. So when you ask her if it was ok, she said yes and friend zoned you right back. Now you feel even worse, and you deserve it." She finishes.


"When you say it like that, I do sound like a idoit," I say. "You don't sound like a idoit, you are one," she says bluntly. "Why did you tell her and do all of that stuff anyway, I know you are still in love her and you talked about her to me all the time." I take a deep breath. "Melissa," I say. "Is she still saying you can't be with her," she asks. "Yep, now its even worse now that we're back," I say.

"Look I've already told you, if she doesn't want you to be happy drop her," she says plainly. "I can't so that," I say. "And why not," she asks. "You know how I am about family," I say. "Blood doesn't make family," she says. "It's just she's my sister and I love her more than anything and anyone, I can't lose her," I say.

"I get that but is it at the expense of your happiness," she asks. I say nothing. "Ok I'm going to ask you so questions, don't think about it just answer," she says. I nod.

"Who do you trust the most in this world," she asks.

"You and Tessa," I answer instantly.

"Ok, who do you love the most in this world," she asks.

"Tessa," I answer instantly.

"Ok, why not Melissa for either of those answers," she asks.

"Because Mel, is selfish to have me cut off my feelings for someone just cause she doesn't like them, and she knows I would never do that to her," I say in one breath.

"There you go that's your answer, you want Tessa, and you can stop with the Melissa excuse," she says.

That's the only reason. Right??

"Anywho," she says. "Let's change to a lighter subject," she says. I nod.

We talk about random things for two hours, but then she needed to get off because it's super later over there.

"I'll talk to you soon H," she says. "Yeah, talk soon," I say. I'm about to log out when Ada starts talking again.

"Don't break her heart Hardin, from what you told me she needs you but you won't give her what she needs," she says. I stare at the screen not saying anything. "Ok I have to get to bed, love you," she says. "Love you," I say back. We both end the call.

I lay back in my bed and think. Maybe she's right. Maybe the whole jealousy thing is in my head. I'm a fucking moron. I have to apologize.

And with that I fall asleep.


adrianna_1955 is who inspired Adriana.

What do you think?

What do you think Hardin will do?

Do you agree with Ada?

Why do you think Hardin is closing his feelings for Tessa?

Hint: It's not cause of Melissa

How do you think Hardin will apologize?

Will Hessa end up together?

Love you all -PayPay ❤🔥

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