49. Reunion...?....2

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I loved seeing all of yall comments and reactions. I also enjoyed reading you theories.
But did you really think I would put Tessa through all that

Happy reading

⚠️ Miscarriage ⚠️

Hardin's POV:

Fifty minutes ago:

"They're here," Scar sighs. We've been up here since I got off the phone with Tess.

"What are we going to do Hardin, Iran we can't just stay up here. She'll know somethings up," she says.

"I know, I know," I sigh.

"Maybe we should just tell her?" Scarlett suggests. My head shoots up in shock. "No," I immediately answer. "You know her, she'll start feeling all guilty and telling us it's not our fault."

She nods knowing I'm right.

We both have been worried sick about her.

We both feel like we should've done more to help.

Scarlett feels she should have been taken not Sam or Tessa. Which I keep telling her, Tessa would be in her situation times twelve 'cause this her fight. So she said.

And I feel bad that I couldn't stop the people from taking her. I know I was sorta paralyzed at the time but I should've did more to keep her home. Even though she wanted to feel normal and I probably would have gave on anyway.

Our clothes are all wrinkled from us looking for her. So is our hair, from running our fingers threw it.

Our eyes are red from lack of sleep and crying.

Suddenly we hear the front door open downstairs as the sound of people fill the house.

I go over to the door and close it, most of the way. When I turn back around I see Scarlett shivering. "Are you cold?" I ask her.

"A little," she mumbles. I walk towards her taking my jacket off. Once I get it off I hand it to her. Before she can reject, I wrap if it around her shoulders. She mumbles a thank you as she puts it through her arms.

"So, what should we tell her?" Scarlett asks. "We're gonna need an amazing excuse if we're not going to tell her the truth," she says. "Even though she hates lying," Scarlett says under her breath.

I glare at her, knowing she's right. She already feels terrible about Sam, I can't have her feeling guilty about this too.

Ignoring my glare she sits on the bed. She rolls her eyes at me before pulling the jacket closer to her body. "Seriously what are we going to tell her?" she asks me. I sit down beside her on the bed. 

"I don't know," I tell her running my hand over my face. She lets out a shaky sigh. "I have an idea," she says.

"What is it?" I ask. I look at her. She has an broken-hearted expression on her face. I turn to face her. "What happened?" I ask her worriedly.

Tears start to well up in her eyes. I turn to face her completely.

"Um," she starts. "I had a miscarriage a few days ago," she says. When she gets the words out she immediately starts sobbing.

I wrap my arms around her, hugging her. "How," I ask her. This is why she's been asking weird this week.

"I don't know, we were being really careful," she says crying hysterically. Her words are mumbled. "Does Michael know?" I ask. I feel her shake her head no in chest. She wraps her arms around me.

"How do you tell someone this Hardin?"  she crys out. "How would you want to told?" she asks me.

Tessa telling me she had a miscarriage. I don't know how I would want to be told because you never expect it to happen.

"I don't know," I whisper.

"Exactly," she pulls away to wipe her tears off. "And I haven't told Tessa cause she's been on edge all week and this," she says sniffling. I pull away too.

Yeah, she's been extra scared this week with good reason.

"Does anyone else know?" I ask.

"Um, my mom," she tells me. "She uh, she took me to the hospital."

Good, at least she didn't get that news alone.

She looks me in the eyes. "Promise me you won't tell Tessa?" she asks me. "Just until I tell her."


"Please," she pleads whispering. She looks at me with begging eyes.

"I would never tell anyone anything if you weren't comfortable with it Scar," I tell her honestly.

Her body immediately relaxes. "Thank you Hardin," she thanks me. She throws her arms around my neck. I wrap mine around her waist.

"Of course," I say into her ear.

"Hardin, Scarlett," we hear a familiar voice say. We pull away and look at the door and see Tessa standing at the door with a surprised look on her face.

We both stand up in a fast motion. "Tessa," we say at the same time.

She looks at Scarlett and froze, her eyebrows and confusion.

"What's going on you guys?" she asks us. We look at each other like, Scarlett shakes her head slightly, we look back at her. "Nothing!" we yell out.

"I'm gonna go home," Scarlett tells us. She looks at me, silently asking me not to tell her before looking back at her. "Bye," she says before walking out the room.

Tessa walks more into the room, crossing her arms. "Hardin, will you please explain to me what happened in here?" she asks me.

I put my hands in my pockets before looking at the ground.

What and I going to tell her?


So. What do ya think?

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