47. Safe

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Hardin's POV:

Sixteen hours.

I haven't seen or heard from Tessa in over twelve hours.

That's the longest I've gone without seeing or talking to her since we've moved back.

We still don't know where Tessa and Sam is.

We've checked everywhere and we couldn't find them.

We got a signal off of Tessa's anklet but it was spinning us in circles.

My mum made me go home and sleep. but if I close my eyes I can see her crying as they're hurting her.

Seeing how she's crying as they enter her. Hitting her. Hurting her.

My mind is spiraling with all the bad things that's happening to them.

So I don't sleep. And I won't be until I have her back in my arms.

Everyone's here. And when I say everyone, i mean everyone! Almost the entire senior class is here and a lot of people Tess works with.

We've quadruple checked everywhere and we can't find them. We know they didn't leave the state but we just don't how far they went away from here.

We have cops from every town helping us and we still can't find them.

Where are they?

Tessa's POV:

"We're in Shelton!" I exclaim.

So it turns out that four hours away from home.

Which is just fan-fucking-tastic!

I pull up to the pizza place. We decided to get food for this long ass drive.

We haven't been able to call anyone yet due to the fact that our phones has to get reset.

Richard deleted literally everything from our phones. Like what the fuck dude. Anyway, we're waiting for all that to come back and we can't be on our phones during that.

Good thing we back up everything.

We found brand new hoodies in the back. Not that we needed them, surprisingly our clothes are fine. But we out them on anyways.

We pull up to the pizza parlor and we all walk inside.

We order our pizzas, pay, then wait for them to call the order.

"Jordan," I call her. She looks at me. "If you don't mind me asking. How did you two end up in this situation?" I ask her.

She clears her throat. "Well," she pauses. "Our father borrowed money from Richard and he missed a few payments so he took the me to make my dad pay the payment faster. But what he didn't know is that my father couldn't care less about me, so my dad told him to take me as payment." She stops as I look at her with sympathy. "So anyway Hayden, you know, tried to convince our parents to pay the payment but they didn't care so, Hayden ended up talking to Richard about the payment. Of course we didn't have any money so he came up with the idea to trick some girl into coming to the specific place." Me. "And after he finish what he was told to do the payment will be paid and I will be able to leave."

But when I got away it complicated things.

"So, that's kinda the short version of it," she smiles softly. I don't say anything. "It's not your fault Tessa," she reassured me. "Your father did this, not you," she tells me. I nod at her.

"Scott," the cashier called. I walk over to grab them. I thank the cashier then we walk outside. "I thought your last name was Young?" Jordan asks me confused.

We get into the truck. "It is, but her future husbands last name is Scott," Sam tells her. I can hear the smile in her voice.

"So you use his last name?" she asks. I nod. "That's so cute!" she squeals. I laugh at her.

"It's almost done," Sam tells me. She turns the phone towards me. It's on eighty-five percent.

I smile. I'm going home.


We've been the car, driving, for about two hours.

Two fucking hours!!

And ours phones are taking forever lol the last couple percentages.


We've eaten most of our pizzas, our ice is melted, and our drinks our gone.

The girls our sleeping while I'm driving. Sam offered to drive but I told her to sleep. She's been on edge for eighteen hours, she needs to relax.

I stopped a little while ago for coffee so I'm good.

Music is playing quietly over the radio when out phones start to ring and vibrate uncontrollably again, waking them up.

Sam immediately looks at me with shock. But she doesn't grab her phone, afraid of the same thing all over again.

I pull over. We both grab our phones. At the same time we call our boyfriends.

I put my phone up to my ear and wait for him to pick up.



I'm excited!!

Hessa is going to reunited again!!!

Can't wait for you to see what happens next!!!

Kisses - PayPay🥰🔥

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