25. Telling him

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Another long chapter peoples😌💅

⚠️ Sexual Assult and Kidnapping ⚠️

Hardin's POV:

I'm at the hospital, waiting for Tessa too wake up. The doctors said that she just had a panic attack and fainted, but she should wake up soon. Brandon wouldn't tell me why she fainted though he said, "She will tell you when she's ready." And I completely agree.

I just hope her health isn't affected by not talking to someone.

Suddenly, I feel Tessa's fingers moving, in my hand. I sit up suddenly as her eyes flutter open.

Once she seems me, she smiles a little. "Hi," she whispers. I lean down and kiss her. "Hi," I whisper against her lips. We kiss again, when we pull away she sits up.

"How are you feeling," I hand her a cup of water. "I'm fine," she takes the water and drinks it.

"Tess." She looks at me. "Please tell me what happened." She sighs and puts the cup on the table, beside her. "You don't have to-." I start. "No, I want too," she says. She sits up all the way.

She sighs. "So, remember when I told you that I was depressed," she asks. I nod. "Well, I didn't everything," she says.

I have a very bad feeling about what she's about to tell me. But I don't say anything, I just let her talk.

"So, in the middle of my sophomore year. This guy a year older than me came to the school and I had to show him where his classes were. It was Hayden."

Her ex?

"He was really nice and cute. Scar was talking about how I needed to get back out there, so I gave him my number so we could talk or whatever.

Fast forward two in a half months. We've met each other's parents and everyone loved him. He asked me to be his girlfriend in the sweetest way and he I fell hard and fast. He helped me not think of you." She laughs at the memories.

So she fell in love with him and didn't think of me nice.

"So fast forward again like five months and everything's going great, until I get a call. No one says anything they just breath into the phone. At first I thought it was a prank, but when it wouldn't stop I told my mom. It got so bad she sent me to go live with my aunt in North Carolina for a while, so they could get the person who was doing it. After the guy kept calling me they finally could get who it was and I came back."

I have a feeling that's not it. *that is absolutely right sir*

"Everything was back to normal and that was the end of it. Until like a week later."

Where is she going with this.

"While I was sleeping, Hayden came in and woke me up, he said we had to talk and he wouldn't stop until I got up and got dressed. But we didn't talk at all. He put me into the car and someone drove to an abandoned building"

Please don't tell me he was the one who-.

"We walked in and sat down. He asked me if I knew that he loved me. I said yes, and he kissed. Then he said he was sorry and walked away. Then I look and in front of me and see," she sighs. "My dad, Richard."

"You're dad?" I ask suddenly.

She shrugs. "I still don't know how he's alive.

"Anyway, he didn't answer my questions, or say anything he just sat there while Hayden came up behind me and puts corafoam over my mouth and nose, so I passed out."

That fucker.

"When I woke up, I was handcuffed to a chair with my da-," she clears her throat. "Richard siting and Hayden standing in front of me." Tears start falling. "Richard preceded to tell me how Hayden was just to part of the plan to get me too where we were."

She stops as she tries to choke a sob. "You don't have to tell me Tess," I tell as I sit on the tiny hospital bed. "No, I want you to know," she whispers her tears off. "You need to know." "You sure," I ask putting a piece of her hair behind her ear. She nods and takes a deep breath before she starts again.

"Hayden took the handcuffs off me as Richard walked out of the room. Then he said, that I could leave anytime I wanted, but he would post a video of me and you having sex." She picks at her nails.


"That's-. How does he have a video? How is there a video?" I ask her. How is that even possible? we never had cameras in the house and it was both of our first times so there's no way we would even think of making a sex tape.

"They put cameras in our rooms, but took them out when they had the video," she wipes her tears.

"So, he left and I started crying. After I stopped this guy about my age came in and they locked the door. At first he scared me, then he ended up being super sweet and nice," she says softly.

"He didn't," I clear my throat. "Assult you didn't he."

"No, we just pretended he did," she says. I sigh in relief. "When he left this older guy came in and he-." She stops suddenly.

He- no.

"He didn't-. Please," I beg. She starts sobbing, her hands are over her face. I feel tears well up in my eyes. I wrap my arms around her, as tears fall down my face. After around ten minutes we pull away.

"Before he could," she clears her throat. "Finish," she cringes. "We heard police sirens. So he climbed off me, zipped up and ran out the room. I just layed there, until the kid from earlier came in and redressed me. I ended up convincing him to leave so he wouldn't get in trouble," she admits.

"Why?" I ask. She shrugs, "He did nothing to me."

"A few seconds after he left, an police officer came in, and I went to the hospital. No one was caught, and they all ended up leaving the country."

"So couldn't arrest them. Fuck," I say. "Yeah, I know."

"After, tons of support and therapy, I was back too being myself again. But I did stop therapy about a year ago," she says.

"Why?" I ask her. She shrugs again, "I went to feel like myself again and I did so I stopped, but I'm going back." "Why, are you sure?" I ask her again.

"After I left your house, I found out that Richard is back. And I feel like I did two and half years ago."


So, this is what happened to her, a couple years back.

If there's any confusion, please don't hesitate to ask!

There's a video?!

Hardin started crying 🥺💔

What do ya think??

Is Richard really back??

What are they gonna do??

What's gonna happen next??

Hope you like it -PayPay❤😌

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