54. Decision.... 2

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Long chapter babes❤🖤

Scarlett's POV:

What am I going to do?

I know I can't be with him anymore but I just love him so much. But this has been going on for long enough. Plus now that everyone knows I'll never get the chance to fix whatever I did to make him like this.

Wait no, that's crazy talk I didn't do anything wrong this is all him. I think.

No, I haven't done anything wrong.


Ugh! I don't know anymore.

All I know is that he's most likely going to end up in the hospital and someone is going to end up in a jail cell.

Maybe I shouldn't have told Tessa about what's been happening and maybe I shouldn't have told Michael that Hardin knew.

I just thought he deserved to know. Especially considering I just told him no more secrets. He understood why I didn't tell him that I had a miscarriage, but I don't get why he couldn't handle me telling Hardin first.

Well I'm just glad I didn't tell Brandon like I wanted or else I'd be dead.

Not like he'd ever hurt me, at least I hope.

Tessa continues to play with my hair as I lay in my head in her lap. We've been in here for almost an hour.  

Unexpectedly someone knocks on the door. I immediately jump up off the bed and stand on the opposite side of the door. It's something that Michael has me do now, I don't know why.

Tessa looks at me with a confused, worried, and anger. But of course her anger isn't directed at me, it's at what ever or who ever is making me do these things that I would normally never do. 

"It's Brandon and Hardin," I hear that familiar deep voice that I've really grown to love over the years. "Come on in guys," Tessa says after standing off the bed and stands beside me. 

The door opens and comes in Brandon and Hardin. 

Hardin being Hardin immediately goes to Tessa, wrapping his arms around her. She lays her head on his chest but she keeps looking at me, making sure that I'm okay.  

Brandon closes the door behind him before he walks towards me with determination, but I can see the worry in his eyes. "Scar," he whispers out to me once he's standing about two feet away from me. "What do you want me to do with Micheal?" he asks me. "He's waking up now," Brandon tells me. 

Well I guess I have to do this now. 

"Can you send him in here please?" I ask him knowing what everyone in this room is going to say. 

His eyes go wide just as Hardin and Tessa's heads snap towards us. "No!" They all yell out at once. "There is no absolutely no fucking way that is happening," Tessa says stepping out of Hardin's arms and walking closer to Brandon and I with a serious look on her face.

Hardin has an adorable tiny little frown on his face. 

"T, I have too," I tell her sighing. "No, you don't," she responds back. She's right. But I need to do this, even if I don't want too. "One of you can stay in the room," I blurt out. Tessa quietly sighs in relief. "If you want," I whisper, knowing she's definitely going to be staying in here.

She nods. But knowing the overprotectiveness of the boys, they're never going to let Micheal be in here alone with us. 

"No! That's no happening!" Hardin yells out. Hardin turns Tessa towards him and cups the side of her face in his hand. "I know you wanna be in here for Scarlett but I'm not okay with you being in here without me," he tells her "Especially since he's definitely unhinged." 


"Tessa no!" Hardin looks at me. "I'm sorry but she's not going to in here with you if you wanna talk to him alone Scar," he shrugs.

Tessa looks at me with an 'I'm sorry' look. I knew she wasn't going to be in here with me and that's okay. I nod understanding. Tessa turns her older brother and tells him seriously, "If he lays a hand on her I am going to hold you responsible." She grabs Hardins hand and walks out of the room. Hardin gives Brandon an encouraging tap on the shoulder before walking out behind her. 

Brandon clears his throat before grabbing my hands in his. "You ready?" he asks me. 

I nod, "Yeah." I am terrified though. Brandon nods at my respond then goes to get my soon to be my ex-boyfriend.

I hope that this goes well, but I think we all know that it isn't. 


Micheal walks into the room with bruises all over his face and an angry look on his face that only I can catch.

Suddenly I'm really glad Brandon being in here.

"Micheal," I gulp. "Scarlett," he says back glaring at me. Brandon closes the door behind him and leans against it, crossing his arms over his chest without saying anything. Micheal looks behind him and sees Brandon. He scoffs before turning back to me, "You really don't trust me enough to be alone with me." 

"No," I telling him honestly and seriously. He looks shocked by my honestly and boldness but doesn't say anything 'cause Brandon's in here. Of course, he only respects me when there's someone he's scared of is in the room.

"Look Mich we need to have a serous talk about you're behavior lately," I tell him. "Oh and about how you're breaking up with me," he says in a mocking voice.

I cross my arms over my chest. "Yes," I say seriously. 

He looks surprised that I'm actually serious. "You're not breaking up with me," he says with some spit coming out of his mouth. He's going to kill me, but I stand my ground. I know Brandon's not going to let anything happen to me. "Oh yes, I am," I say with a tiny smirk on my face.

He is raging with anger by now, when he takes a step I immediately take a step back out of fear. "Don't even try it," Brandon says calmly even though I know he's extremely angry and wants to hurt him. But he isn't going to, for me.

Micheal immediately stops and looks in Brandon's direction. While he leans his head back on the the door with his hands in his pockets, he has a challenging look on his face.

No disrespect to Mel or anything but that's hot.

Mich turns his head back to me with a smirk on his face. "You're still in love with him aren't you," he says smugly.

My face falls. Not because I'm 'in love' with him as he calls it, I mean I do love him but not that way. Anymore way.

I scoff at his words, "No. Why do u have to be in love with him to break up with him." I roll my eyes.

"We're done," I tell him with finalalldy.

That makes him even more pissed than he already was. He charges at me I back up against the wall trying to get away from him as tears start spilling out of my eyes. Before he can even touch me, Brandon pulled him back and has him against the door faster than I can blink.

He wants to kill him, I know it. Instead he just opens the door and throws him out Hardin who is right outside the door immediately takes him away from my sight.

Brandon comes over and hugs me, while I just continue to cry into his arms.


Sorry this took so fucking long

Love you - PayPayB😍💗

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