39. Surprise

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Long chapter babes ❤😫

Tessa's POV:

I hate surprises. Hardin knows this and yet keeps giving me surprises. Have I love them sure but that doesn't mean I like surprises.

All I know is he had Scar pack me a bag. So I don't have a clue where we're going, or how long.

Everyone knows where we're going except me. And I hate it.

Personally I think Melissa and Brandon should go an a trip instead of us. They deserve it. Especially Mel, she just found out she's adopted she needs this not me.

I sigh as I grab my bags and take them to Hardin's car.

When I come back inside I go into the kitchen to get my bottle of water. "Have fun," I hear Brandon say. I turn around to face him. "You deserve it."

I sigh."No I don't, not when everything's going on."

He walks more into the kitchen. "Yes you do, more than anyone," he says. "You helped Michael get his head out of his ass so him and Scar are still together, thank God. You found Mel, and helped her with the adoption thing. You helped her and I get to a good place again.

And on top of it all you kept your relationship and grades together, with a job. You have successfully kept everyone together." I smile up at him.

"You deserve this more than anyone." He grabs my hand. "So go, have fun with the guy you've been in love with since the fifth grade. Okay."

I nod. "Okay," I give him a small smile. "C'mere," he pulls to him, wrapping his arms around me.

I inhale his cologne that I love so much. "B," I call him. "Hm," he hums. "Where are we going?" I ask him with a smirk on my face. He hits me lightly on the head. I chuckle lightly.

"Hey, is everything okay," I hear a extremely familiar voice say. We pull away and see Hardin in the doorway.

"Yeah, everything's great my love," I tell him. "You guys have fun and please don't kill my sister," Brandon says.

"Sir yes sir," Hardin says doing the army hand thing. Brandon and I laugh at him. "Be safe guys," Brandon says before walking out.

Hardin walks towards me. "You ready Tess?" he asks me.

"Yes, I am," I tell him.

"Then let's go." He pulls me outside to his car. We already said our goodbyes.

We get in his car and go off on this surprise of his.

We stopped to get gas and snacks, which makes me think this is going to be me think this is going to be more than two hours. After that we get on the road.

We talk about anything and everything. Jam to music and take pictures and videos. It makes the time go fast. When Hardin tells me that we're almost there it surprises me. I look around and we're in a forest.

Where is he taking me?

Hardin's POV:

I'm kind of nervous.

I know Tessa always loves my surprises but she was and still spectacle about leaving. She has to good of a heart to put herself first, which is why I'm taking her to her grandparents lake house for a week. We haven't been here since we were kids.

The last time we were here I realized I was in love with her.


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