58. Graduation

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Long chapter my friends❤🥰

Three months later:

Tessa's POV:

"Hardin Scott." My amazing boyfriend walks across the stage after the principal calls his name.

Everyone starts cheering and clamped mine and his family and our friends, which was the the loudest. But no one was louder than me as I stood up and scream.

He looks down from the stage and smiles at me before looking back a head of him. He doesn't do a silly walk, or smile, or anything really. He honestly looks bored out of his mind. I laugh quietly to myself. Yeah that seems about right. My self conscious says. I know he only walking for me and his family it's no secret or surprise. He absolutely hates stuff like this but I'm happy he did and I know he is too.

My phone vibrates on my lap under gown.

B😊🖕: he looks so bored!😂

I laugh quietly to myself at my amazing twin's text.

T🤮❤: Yeah Ik lol

I put my phone back under my graduation gown since we're not supposed to be on them.

I feel something hitting me on the back of my head. I turn around to see Hunter and Hayden smiling and waving at me.

I smile and wave back before turning back towards the stage.

Yeah, so you so one month after spring break, Richard was caught trying to get back into the States for some unknown reason. Hunter and Hayden never left the country so they weren't with him but David was. So they both got arrested on the spot. Hunter and Hayden both got a little time in prison for the crimes they committed, but since they helped the police they gave them a plee deal. They have a lot of community service with an ankle monitor.

So I know you're wondering why I invited them here, and why we're kinda buddy buddy now.

Well once they were arrested they both wrote letters basically saying they are sorry and explaining why.

Hayden told me it was for his sister, which we already knew.

Hunter, needed money for his mother who was dying with cancer. Richard payed for her treatments along as Hunter did what he wanted. At first it was just tiny jobs then slowly the jobs became worse and worse until he told him to befriend me and gain my trust. He didn't tell him who I was until it was time for Richard to kidnap me again. Which also meant he didn't know what was going to happen until it did. Then I guess Hayden told him everything over that long period of time I was alone.

So that's why I invited him instead of being bad when he couldn't have known what was going on.

Oh and Noah was also finally arrested for drugging me.

"Melissa Scott." Now it's time for Brandon to stand up and cheer louder than everyone as his girlfriend dances across the stage with a big smile on her face. Everyone laughs as dances with her heels in her hand.

I look over to the side of the stage where Hardin is waiting for his sister to get off the stage so they can walk back together. He is shaking his head with a smile on his face. Once Mel is off the stage Hardin gives her a kiss on the forehead.

The crowd awes as they walk back to there seats hand in hand. Once they are back in their seats the principal continues to give our classmates there diploma.

Well that went way faster than expected, graduation is almost over.

"Scarlett Walker." Everyone and I mean everyone stands up and cheers for my bestfriend does a somersault across the stage. That's right a fucking somersault!

She wanted to get her diploma in a big way and she definitely did.

Everybody in the auditorium screamed just as she ended her somersault into a split. She stood up and shook the hand of our principal as he gave her, her diploma then she bowed to the crowd.

Once she got off of the stage and sat back down, it's time for Brandon and I and the other students that's last names are at the bottom of the alphabet, stand up and get in line so we can get our diplomas.

I'm super nervous. Scarlett talked me into doing something similar to what she just did. So she made me promise I'd do it and now I have to. So naturally I'm extremely nervous.

Good thing, I'm the last person to get there diploma.

Oh fuck I'm going to be the last one to get a diploma! Shit. Shit. Shit. What am I going to do!?

Sensing my nerves my brother moves out his spot in line, and stands beside me. "You're gonna do great," he tells me bumping my shoulder slightly.

"But what if I fall off the stage?" I ask nervously.

"Than he, "Brandon moves head so I can make eye contact with Hardin, "Will be right there to catch you," he reassures me.

Hardin smiles at me, giving me a reassuring look. "I'm of course going to be there too but I thought if je was here and I wasn't you'd actually believe it," Brandon says.

"Well that's true," I say still making eye contact with Hardin. "Well than," Brandon mumbles before going back to his spot.

I break contact with Hardin and take off my heels. I'm supposed to leave them by Hardin's seat so I don't have to go back at the front of the stage to go get them. He did the same with Scarlett.

The closer I get to the stage the higher my stress gets and the more people that walk across that stage the more I don't want to do this. As I'm walking past Hardin's seat I drop my phone and my shoes beside him.

But before I can walk away, he pulls me down into a kiss.

After ten seconds we both pull away. "You're gonna do great," he tells me. I nod nervously before walking quickly to catch up with everyone.

I can do this. I tell myself.

"Brandon Young." Brandon struts across the stage the only way brother can. I laugh as he takes his diploma from the principal with sass.

I walk up the stage stairs as he struts off the stage. We make eye contact as he flipped his fake hair. I shake my head at him as I walk up to the last step.

I roll my head, wrists, and ankles to get the kinks out.

"Tessa Young." I take a deep breath before I do a cartwheel that leads into a somersault that leads into a slit across the stage. Everything went in slow motion as I flipped across the stage. I could hear faint yelling, screaming, clapping and cheering as I landing into the spit. I blink rapidly.

I did it. I did it!

I stand up from the split and do a little curtsy. I go back to where the principal is, shake his hand and getting my diploma. I walk off the stage where Brandon is waiting for me. He gives me a hug. "I'm so proud of you," he tells me.

We pull away and we wipes off the tears off my face that I didn't know was there.

We walk back to our seats hand in hand  before we have to let go and sit down. We both reach under our seats and get our graduation hats and put them on.

"May the next chapter of your life be great as you're time of here was," the principal says. "Congratulations to the class of 2021!" Since everyone knows that is the end of graduation so everyone throws their hats up in the air.

As a watch my hat go up up into the air quickly and comes back down slowly I think about the past four years of my life and all the sad things I went through. But then I realize that everything with my dad getting hard and back Hayden Hunter everything got to where I am today.

Time seems to speed up and my hat falls right back into my hands.

I did it! I graduated high school!


Ahhhhhhhh our babies graduated!!! They grow up so fast. *wipes tear*

One more chapter before this book is completed, are you guys excited cuz I sure as hell am.

Don't forget to drop some questions that you wanna answered.

Love ya - PayPay ❤✨

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