32. His past

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Long chapter peoples enjoy ❤😁

⚠️ Sexual Assult, Kidnapping, Drug abuse, and Forced abortion ⚠️

It's not very detailed I just wanted to give you a heads up.

Hardin's POV:

I can feel Tessa's breathing slowing down as the movie plays.

I gave to tell her. I know I have to in just nervous about how she's going to react.

It's not like what happened was bad on my part, it's just the stuff that comes with it. What happened is the reason I'm repeating my senior year and we had to move.

Okay, moving wasn't so bad. I got my girl back, and I'm happy for the first time in a while.

I'm just afraid that Tess can't handle it. I know she can handle anything but this is let's just say, different.

I feel Tessa move around to get more comfortable. I look around and see all the girls sleeping. I guess we're all staying here tonight.

I pick Tessa up as softy as I can and take her upstairs to her room. I guess Brandon had had the same idea, cause he does the same thing with Mel.

I quickly and quietly go up the stairs and put Tess in her bed. As I'm about to leave Tessa grabs my hands stopping me. "No, stay," she whines sleepily.

"I'll be right back, baby," I say back to her. "Promise?" she asks. I lightly laugh at her cuteness. "Yes baby, I promise."

She hesitantly let's go of my hand.

I quickly go down stairs to see Scarlett on the couch. Brandon must have moved Sam already. I pick up Scar and take her to the guest room, where Sam already is.

After I make sure she is comfortable I walk out and close the door. Brandon is leaning against the wall across the door.

"You have to tell her, man," he says. I sigh, Mel told him.

"I know, don't worry." He nods not saying anything word, going to his room.

I walk to Tessa's room, get undressed and lay with her.

I know it's not the worst thing but it's still bad.

You see when we left, I was in a bad place. Not socializing, eating as much. Then four months later, Tessa calls me. I was so happy, and I started to become my old self again.

Until, Melissa found out. She made a deal with me, well not really a deal more of an ultimatum. If I didn't cut off all ties with Tessa, I would lose Mel. If I did, basically she would cover for me when I snuck out or in. Or snuck people in.

Me being an fifteen year old wanker, I agreed.

That was when I started to drink, smoke, and sleep around.

When I turned sixteen I started to tattoo's, without my mum's permission. The only reason she found out is because one got infected.

When we got it treated she said all I had to do was ask, you know all the normal bs. Once that one was better, I started to get more and more. I even had a lip piercing.

So anyways fast forward to my senior year. I was friends with benefits with this one girl. Kayla.

That was the closest thing I had to a "relationship" since Tessa.

The benefits came with rules of course, to make sure it stayed that way.

Never spend the night with each other (which I was already doing). Don't sleep with anyone else, you know 'cause STDs do exist (even though I always wear a condom, but that's not the point). If one of us catches feeling or gets feeling for someone else, we stop and go back to being just being friends. And even though we're sleeping together, we are not dating.

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