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Tessa's POV:

"What the hell are you doing here," Melissa yells at me. I'm too angry to speak, I'm too angry too move I just spend there glaring at Melissa and Molly. All the memories of what they both did is all coming back at once.

All of a sudden I feel Brandon push me slightly, mentally telling me to go inside. I walk inside and look around. I feel like crying or punching something preferably someone. All the memories they were all coming back.

All of a sudden this really pretty woman comes out.

Hardin, Melissa, who is this," she says smiling. Brandon says, "Hi I am Brandon and this is my sister Tessa." He nudges me softly to talk. "Hi you are Mrs." I says putting out my have to shake hers. "Oh nun oh that, call me Trish dear, she says shaking my hand. "Well we have to go so nice seeing you, Melissa, Hardin, and Molly but we have too get going, my mom says. My mom whispers in my ear, "Be nice Tessie." "It was to nice meeting you all,"Trish says. She kisses Melissa and Hardin on the cheek then leaves.

Me and Melissa go back to glaring at each other. "I should get going," Molly says after a few seconds then leaves. "What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing. Here," Melissa says slowly. "I was told to come here to meet the new neighbors if I would've known it was you I most definitely would have hung out with my friends instead," I say angrily.

"You have friends are you planning on stabbing them in the back too," she says. "Oh really cause if I remember correctly you were the one who did the stabbing," I say getting real pissed off. "Me, I stabbed you," she shouts. "Yes, you told everyone that I killed my father and that I almost killed you," I yell. "You did it was your fault," she yells back. "You do realize that it was because your bookbag we had to go back right," I say in a duh tone. She scoffs and says, "Whatever helps you sleep at night sweetie." "Yeah it does and it doesn't justify what you think I did," I say. "You slept with my boyfriend," she screams. "No I didn't, so stop saying that," I yell back.

"You weren't even with me so stop fucking saying that." God this bitch is getting on my nerves. "Then where where were you that night," she says.

Omg this again. "I was at home because my stomach was hurting too much to go anywhere or do anything," I say.

Hardin chuckles. I glared at him while Brandon is confused.

"I still don't believe you," she says. "And I know you liked him before we started dating." "Oh my god, we have been over this a million times just because I liked him before you too started dating doesn't mean I slept with him, god why are you so sure that I did sleep with him," I say.

"Because that's something you would do," she says crossing her arms. "Excuse me," I say. "What the hell does that even mean?" "It means that you are a fucking slut," she says. "What the fuck did you just call me," I says walking towards her. She starts walking towards me too says slowly, "You are and will always be a fucking slut."

I slap her. Damn that felt good. All of a sudden Melissa starts laughing like a maniac.

"This bitch just slapped me," she says to her self. She raises her arm to slap me when Brandon comes, wrispers something in her ear. She lowers her arm and Brandon pulls her back. Oh god please don't tell me. I look at him. "B is she the gi-," I start out I get interrupted by my phone. I turn around to answer it.

It's Scarlett. "Hey babe what's up," I say into the phone. I see Hardin stiffen. "Um," she says sniffling. "Scar what's wrong," I say. I'm getting really worried.

"Me and Michael were in a accident," she says. "Oh my god are you guys ok". I says worryingly. "Um I am b-but Michael he-," she starts but starts crying again. "I'll be at the hospital in 10 minutes ok," I say. She sniffles again and says, "Ok." We hang up.

I have tears in my eyes by now. "What's wrong with Scarlett," Brandon asks worriedly.

He knows how important she is to me. "Um her and Michael got into a car accident," I say with tears falling down down face.

"Oh my god are they ok," he asks walking towards me. "Um Scarlett is but I don't know about Michael," I say wiping the tears from my eyes. "He's going to be ok," he says. "Um can you drive me to the hospital," I ask. "I can drive you," Hardin says. Melissa glares at Hardin. "If that's ok with you." "Yeah no it's fine, um we have to go like now," I say walking outside. Hardin comes out a couple seconds later, looking annoyed. We get in his car and he starts driving to the hospital.


A long chapter 921 words longest chapter so far.

Just to be clear, when Melissa and Hardin lived there when they were younger they lived with there dad that's why they don't know Trish.

Is Melissa the girl Brandon was talking about?

What's wrong with Michael?

Is everything going to be ok?

What did you think?

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See you next time lovelies -PayPay❤

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