10. Fuck, me Part 3

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This is how I is see Sam^^^

Her full name is Samantha Hite

Tessa's POV:

The rest of the class goes smoothly. But sadly I finished my Starbucks.

I go too my next couple classes and nothing happens. I'm so tired. I need more coffee. I'll go to Starbucks during lunch bit that's in an hour. Urgh.

I go in my bookbag, get my chocolate bar and start eating it.

"Ms. Young," Mr. Grant says. "Yes sir," I say. "Why are you eating in my class," he asks. "Well it's either this or sleep," I say shrugging my shoulders. *Ha mood* He rolls in eyes then continues.

Twenty minutes later class ends.

I'm walking to next period when Sam stops me.

"Tessa, I need some advice," she says. "What's up," I say. "Well this guy asked me of we could hookup but," she drags out. "But you don't think it's the right thing to do," I finish for her.

"Yeah, me and Callie just broke up and I don't think I should jump into anything new so soon," she says. "Well it's just sex but it just depends on how important it is to you," I say. "And you don't have to jump into something new now, but you should do what you think is right, ok. But don't push yourself ok." "But I'll feel guilty, " she says.

"But you shouldn't you guys broke up," I say. "Yeah your right, thanks T," she says. "Your welcome Sam," I say then continue to walk in class.

A/N: Sam is bi.

I walk into my next class and sit down. A little while later Hardin and Scarlett walk in.

"Hey are you ok, I saw that you were upset earlier," I ask Hardin. "Yeah I'm fine," he says smirking. "Ok, great," I say.

What is up with him.

The rest of the students fill the classroom room, and class starts.

An hour later it's time lunch. Scarlett, Sam, and I decide to off campus for lunch. We go to Chipotle.

We order get out food, I pay then we sit down.

"So what did you decide," I ask Sam. "Well I decided that that you were right, I mean me and Callie are broken up so I shouldn't have to feel guilty I mean we broke up," she says. "So you guys," I drag out. "Yes," she says. "Yayy," me and Scarlett say at the same time. We all laugh. "Well I'm very happy for you even though it's just sex," I say. "Me too," Scarlett says. "Thanks guys," Sam says.

For the rest of lunch we talk and laugh. I also tell them about what happened with Hardin and H.

We leave, head to Starbucks, then back to school. Yayy, school. Note the sarcasm.

The rest of the day goes normally. Very boring.

As I'm about to go to home I get a text. It's coach Sam.

A/N: I didn't even notice that coach Sam and Samantha have the name lmao.

C.S.📣: Hey meet me in my office before you leave.

Tessa Y: Yeah I'm on my way

I walk to her office and knock on her door.

"Come in," she says. "Hey Sam, what's up," I say walking in and sitting down. "What's going on with you and Melissa," She asks. "What do you mean," I ask. "I noticed earlier you were trying not to kill her," she says.

"Oh well, me and Melissa were friends before she moved," I say. "Were," she questions. "Yeah we got in to a huge fight before she left," I say. "Ok well I don't need to know what there was fight was about, please don't start any drama and she starts some come talk to me," Sam says.

"Yes coach," I say. "Ok see you tomorrow," she says. "Bye," I say then walk out.

I'm walking in the halls when I realize that I left my wallet. Damn it. I walk back to my locker to get it.

As I'm walking back down the hallway to leave again I see Sam walk out a classroom.

"I thought you left already," Sam asks. "I could say the same for you Sam," I say. She looks really tired. She almost fall but I catch her. "Are you ok to drive home cause I don't want you to fall asleep while driving," I tell her. "Yeah I'm good," she says but almost falls again. "Yeah ok, your spending the night at my house," I say leaning her up against the wall.

"Can I ask you a question," she asks. "Shoot," I tell her. "Your not a virgin right," she asks. "No," I say smiling at the memory. "Then why don't you like having sex," she asks. Wow not what I was expecting. "Well I lost my virginity at fourteen, and then after the whole Hayden ordeal I just didn't want to," I say. I shrug my shoulders. "That makes sense," she says. She looks like she's about to fall asleep. "Come on sleepy pants let's get you home," I say getting her off the wall.

As we're about to walk off someone comes out of the same class room Sam was in. Hardin?

"Hardin," I say in a questioning tone. "Hardin," Sam says in a surprised in a tone. "The Hardin," she says. "Ok why does everyone refer to me as, 'The Hardin'," he asks. "Oh my god Tessa I am so sorry," Sam apologizes. "Oh fuck, me," I say.


Last part. 😊

Oop did you expect that.

No it doesn't break girl code cuz she didn't know.

Why do you think Hardin slept her Sam?

What did you think of this chapter?

This is the last part of Fuck, me.

Hardin's POV next.

Can't wait, love you -PayPay😊❤

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