33. Don't

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Long chapter loves❤🥰

Tessa's POV:

Oh my God.

He was kidnapped.

He was drugged.

He was assaulted.

He forcibly got someone pregnant.

Oh my God.

Those things replay in my head as I mumble I'm sorry, into Hardin's chest.

Oh my God. I just realized that I've been complaining about the whole Hayden thing, when he went through something way more traumatic.

I'm a terrible person.

I pull away from Hardin. "Hardin, I'm so sorry."

He wipes my tears off. "You don't have to be baby. You couldn't've known," he says.

I shake my head. "No, well yes about that." He looks confused. "I'm sorry about complaining about my stuff when you went through that," I say.

He looks at me to see if I'm serious. "Tess please don't think that," he says.

"I'm so so sorry Hardin." I feel tears falling down again.

"Baby," he says grabbing my attention. He's giving me a small smile. "Yes," he wipes off my tears.

He gives me a tiny kiss. "I love you so fucking much baby," he says softly. "One of the things I love about you is your huge heart. But you can't think like that."


"But, nothing. Tess you can't compare what happened to us."

I nod.

"Plus, I think what happened to you was way worse."

I look at him confused.

"I absolutely remember nothing about what happened. I only know because of what the doctor told me. You remember everything single detail. You are so brave, so don't you ever think that what happened to you is anything less, 'cause it's not."

Tears continue to fall down. "I'm sorry," I apologize again. "You don't have to be baby," he puts a peace of hair behind my ear.

He pulls me in his lap, so I'm straddling him. He wraps his arms around my waist, while mine go around his neck.

We just hold each other. After a while someone knocks on the door.

"Come in," Hardin says. We both stay in our position.

"We want your opinion for dinner tonight. Pizza or chicken?" Brandon asks.

We had pizza yesterday, so chicken. Before I can say anything Hardin says exactly what I'm thinking.

"Chicken, we had pizza yesterday." Brandon doesn't say anything just leaves, so I assume he nodded.

"Baby, do you have any questions?" he ask me.

I start to shake my head no, then I remember what Mel said earlier. I pull away to look at him in the eye. "Have you slept with someone else besides Sam and I while you were here?"

He looks shocked. "No, of course not why?" he asks. I shrug, "Mel said something."

He rolls his eyes at that. "I don't know why she would tell you something like that but I didn't I promise." I nod and start hugging him again.

He stands up with me still in his lap. He opens my door and walks down stairs.

I hear everyone talking in the kitchen. Hardin walks in there and sets me down on the counter. I unwrap myself from Hardin as he grabs us both bottles of water.

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