44. Where's my girls

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Long chapter peoples ❤🥰

Hardin's POV:

"Of course," I tell her. I'm holding her at her hips walking us outside. Everyone moves out of our way.

She starts to blink a lot. Shit. I need to get her to a hospital.

She starts to trip on her feet, so I pick her up and carry her to the car.

I put her in the car then close the door. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see a blonde male.

Who the fuck is that?

He starts swinging at me. What the fuck. Before he can get a hit in, I hit him.

He stumbles back a little but keeps coming back. Suddenly I get hit on the back of the head. I fall to the ground. I think what feels like a syringe go into my arm. I try to stand back up but I can't.

The blonde guy steps over me and opens the door. "Hardin," I hear my baby mumble. I continue to try to move but it's like I'm paralyzed. "Hello baby, nice to see you again," the guy say.

He picks her up and closes my car door. She doesn't respond so she must be unconscious. I continue to try to get up but I still can't. Damn it.

He puts her in a car, before driving off.

Suddenly I hear multiple running footsteps. "Hardin. Oh my God, what happened," I hear Mel say.

Michael and Brandon come to my side and pick me up, leaning me against the car. "Where's Tessa?" Brandon asks me.

"They took her," I say angrily. This all fault. "Who?" Brandon asks.

"I don't know," I says honestly. "This blonde guy started coming at me, I got couple hits in before someone hit me from behind and stuck a syringe in my arm," I tell them.

"Oh my God," I hear Scarlett whisper. "What did they look like?" Michael asks.

"I don't know, they were wearing masks," I tell them.

"We need to get you to the hospital," Mel says.

I shake my head. It's the only part of my body that I can move. "I'm fine, we have to find Tessa first," I say seriously. "How are you going to do that when you can't move?" Melissa asks sassy.

I say nothing. "Exactly, now put him in the car. I'll drive. Two of you go get your car and meet us at the hospital. On the way we'll call our parents and the cops. Okay, okay," Mel orders.

Everyone immediately does what she said. I'm in my car, Mel takes the keys from my pocket. Brandon gets into the car with us. Michael and Scarlett get into there's driving behind us. Brandon calls his mom, who calls Beth. Melissa, despite me telling her not to, calls mum. Who called the hospital to let them know we're coming.

Melissa drives so fast we get to the hospital in under ten minutes. When we get there's a wheelchair with two nurses outside. They help me get on the wheelchair while Melissa and Brandon park the car.

As they rush me inside they start to ask me questions. My name, my age, what can I move and not, you know the usual. They put me in a room, where mum, Carol, Beth, some guy, and a police officer are. "Oh my God Hardin," my mum says. The nurses put me on the bed and sit me up. They take some of my blood, to see what that asswhole put in me. They tell us that we'll have have the results in thirty minutes. My mum immediately comes towards me when they leave. "Are you okay baby?" my mum asks worriedly.

"My head is killing me and I can't move my fucking body but I'm fine ma," I tell her. I expect to see a glare on my mum's face for swearing but I only see pure worry. Before anyone can say anything else Brandon, Melissa, Scarlett, and Michael run in.

"Are you okay?" Melissa asks. I nod, "Yeah I'm fine." Feeling is coming back in my hands.

"Okay, Hardin please explain to us what happened," Carol tells me.

I nod and tell them everything that happened from when we walked out of the kitchen to when they came outside. That took thirty minutes.

The officer takes his notes then walks out to make a call. "Is that all, Hardin?" Beth asks me. I shake my head no. "Okay Hardin, thank I'll come check on you later," she says before joining the officer.

This is all my fault. Always watch your back, number one rule of fighting, and I couldn't even do that. Well technically, it's rule number two.

A doctor comes in. "Hello Hardin, how are you feeling?" he asks me.

Well, my girlfriend was kidnapped, I can't move my body, and I need to punch someone in the face. "I'm fine," I tell him.

"Okay," he says. He writes something down on the clipboard before coming towards me. "I'm going to test your nerves," he tells me. I nod. He lifts my and massages my muscles. "Can you make a fist for me?" I make a fist as fast as I can, so I can get his fucking hands off me. "Good." He writes something down before going to my other arm and doing the same thing.

He moves to my legs, he lifts one up. "Can you move your foot for me?" I nod. I start to move it as much as possible. I only just got feeling back. "Good." We do the same thing with the other. We try my legs but I still can't feel them.

After he talks to my mum about the rest of my hospital files before he leaves.

"Hardin," Carol calls me. I look at her. "I know you said they were wearing masks, but could this be him." She turns her phone around to show me a picture of Hayden, but blonde.

"That could be him but a lot of people have that hair color," I tell her. Her face falls. "I'm sorry Carol."

She waves me off, telling me that it's not my fault.

After two hours have past I regained feeling back in my intire body, and was walking around. Also I found out the Noah is now in jail for drug possession and underage drinking. Also we can't find Sam!

I'm scared about what might be happening to them right now. It's freaking me out!

But the drug they gave me wasn't dangerous or anything so I'm fine.

Now it's time to go find my girls.


He's fine nothing happened to his immune system while the drug was in his system.

Where's Tessa?

Where Sam?

Who has them?

What's going to happen?

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