19. I know what I need to do now

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Hardin's POV:

Why us he talking and laughing with her. Why is she talking and laughing with him?

I want to know what they are talking about.

Argh. I hate that I care so much. We're friends and that's working great for us.

Well for Tess I guess. I love being her friend but I wish we more, but the hypocrite is completely against it.

But now I don't care. I will talk to Tessa about that guy and if she likes him I will tell her, and if not I won't. I know, not the best plan but I have the entire game to come up with something better.

I walk to the concession stand and buy food for Mel and Tess. I know them both well enough that they will eat all of mine during the game, even though they're not supposed too.

I pay for the food and walk to the bleachers. I sit right behind where the cheerleaders are going to be.

I see Tessa talking to Sam while stretching out her limbs. She bends over touching her toes. Letting me get a perfect view of her ass.

God, I wish I could rip that outfit off of her. I want to pound in her tight ass.

"Hey," Tessa stands in front of me smiling. "Are you ok. You looked pretty pissed earlier." She let's out a small laugh.

No. You were flirting with a random guy when you're mine. Well not really mine, but you know my point.

"Yes, I'm fine," I give her a little smile. She cocks her head to the side, "You sure?"


"Yeah, I'm sure," I say. "Ok," she smiles.

She hands me her fries. She climbs up the bleachers and kisses me on the cheek. "Thank you." She jumps down and goes back with her team.

I have a big smile on my face until.

"Why do you have to be friends with her," she asks in a disgusted voice. Melissa.

"Because, one you don't get to tell how to hang out with and two hopefully she won't be just my friend for long," I say with a smile on my face. "What do you mean" she asks. "I'm going to tell her, how I feel," I say. "Oh no your not," she scoffs.

I ket out a dry laugh and look at her. "Wanna bet."

Before she can respond the game starts. She huffs and gets off the bleachers.

*I know y'all don't know anything about football so I'm not gonna write about the game, plus I don't feel like it lol*

The game is almost over four hours later. They are tied up, 34-34.

I don't really know a lot about American football, but we have the ball. They start the play, and run. I don't know. All of a sudden Noah makes a touchdown, with fifteen seconds left. 40-34. So we win?

Everyone's cheering while I just clap awkwardly.

They start another play but the clock runs out. We win.

Everyone starts cheering and screaming. I cover my ears.

I look at Tessa and slowly stop covering my ears.

She looks so happy. Jumping around with her friends. I love seeing her smile and hearing her laugh. A big smile grows on my face.

"When are you going to tell her," someone asks. Sam. She sits beside me

"What do you mean," I ask. She scoffs. "What do you mean," She mocks me. When are you going to tell her how you feel," she asks rolling her eyes.

"Telling who, what," I ask. I know who she's talking about but she doesn't need too know that.

"Ugh, come on. When are you going to tell her that you love her," she says aggregated. "I don't love her," I deny. I'm such a liar.

She rolls her eyes, "Why you always lyin," she says in a singing voice.

I laugh, "What."

"Hardin look, Tessa has waiting for you to make a move since forever. So you better do it soon, because your gonna lose your chance if you don't."

I'm surprised. I don't know what to say.

'Cause you might be too late," she points to Tessa talking to a guy by the field. Concession stand guy.

I look at Sam. She gives a smile then gets up to leave.

"Sam," I call her. She turns around. "Thank you," I say.  "Go get your girl," she says then walks away.


He's finally going to do something!!!!!!

Melissa is a bitch

Sam is a good friend

What's going to happen next?

What's Hardin gonna do?

Hope you enjoy -PayPay ❤😊

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