57. Communication

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Long chapter my babies❤🦋

Hardin's POV:

The ride up to the lake house was so fucking awkward.

It was even worse when we were packing, we didn't talk or even look at each other. I hope this talk goes fucking well. It should though, there's no reason it shouldn't considering we both wanna fix this drift whatever is going on between us.

We discussed instead of going for just a few days we're going for a week again. Considering we start spring break Monday and we have two and a half weeks off. Then another week before finals. We wanted to have enough time to focus on just us.

And our families understand that completely understood especially considering we've been around other people for the past five almost six months.

Even though it was very awkward we did help each other pack and everything we needed for this trip, I did pack enough food this time. Withw her help, of course.

After about two hours of packing and getting all of our stuff into the car, we head off into our journey of finding ours in each other again.

Once we start our little road trip you can tell there is more tension than there ever has been. Music is playing, but softly and my Tess isn't singing along to it like she usually is. She doesn't have a small smile on her face as we pass the same things we always do like she's seeing it for the first time. I can tell she's tense, so am I.

So I grab her hand and inlace our fingers over her lap

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So I grab her hand and inlace our fingers over her lap. Her body almost immediately relaxes and so does mine. She looks down at our inlaced hands, and even though she thought I didn't see it. She has a tiny smile on her face.


After the long drive we finally make it to the lake house. Our hands are still where they've been for the past hour and a half.

After having an little talk in the car we walked in the house.

As we pull up to big the lake house, Tessa's left leg started bouncing like crazy. Like it always does when she's nervous. I stop the car and tighten my hand on hers as I turn the car off. Tessa takes off her seat belt and faces the  console so we're looking at each other face-to-face.

"Hardin," she whispers "What if this is the end of us?" she asks me. "I don't want it to be." Tears start falling down her face. "Hey, no matter how this ends I'll always love you. Please know that." She nods. I take my other hand and wipe the tears off her face.

"Ready to do this?" I ask her. She nods again. I squeeze her hand before letting it opening my car door then opening hers. We walk to the trunk and get our bags out of it and walk into the lake house hand in hand.

The tension that was between us when we left the house is now thicker as we grab our things and walk into the house that basically sealed our relationship. But we both know that when we leave, this could also be the place that ends it.


We have been here about an hour and a half, and we haven't spoken since we left the car. Unless you count one of us asking where we want something.

"Hardin," Tessa calls out for me from across the room. I look up and see her standing by the door with it opened ajarred. "Yes," I answer.

"I'm going to start cooking," she tells me. "Is there anything you want in particular?"

I shake my head no."You can cook whatever you want," I tell her. She nods her head yes, silently telling me okay before walking out the door closing it behind her.

I sigh deeply as I look at where she once stood.

I guess we're going to talk over dinner.


Two hours later Tessa has finished cooking and I'm done packing. We're both in the dining room at the table, sitting beside each other eating in absolute fucking silence. Awkward fucking silence."Tess," I call her breaking the silence. "Yes," she responds. She looks up from her plate and makes eyes contact with me.

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Fuck. What was I going to say again. "Thank you for the food," I choke out. "It's really good, as usual."

Her face drops as she looks back at her plate playing with her fork. "You're welcome," she mumbles.

I sigh deeply for what feels like the millionth time today. "Tessa, we have to talk about this sometime."

She sighs before setting her fork on the plate then looking at me. "I know," she whispers. "I'm just scared that when we do talk, we'll not be together anymore." Tears start falling down her face.

I grab her hand into mine. "I'm always going to be in your life," I tell her honestly. "Weather we're in a relationship or we're just friends. I'm not going anywhere, that I can promise you."

She nods agreeingly, squeezing my hand. "Remember when we first started dating and we promised each other one thing?" she says. "To always communicate, to tell each other what were thinking even if it was bad."

I nod back, "Yeah."

"We broke our promise."

"I know."

I take a deep breath. "But we are going to fix that tonight," I say seriously. Tessa wipes the tears off her face and nods once more, "Yeah. We are."


Since this entire thing was very last minute, I will not be writing a scene where they talk about everything. But keep in mind that they were just going distant over everything they went through. So I feel like there's no point of actually writing the scene, especially when I have absolutely no idea what I'm even going to write for it lol.

Also I never said that either one of them want to break up, they just feel distant and they don't know what to do. That is all.

Sorry this took so long but I didn't want to rush to much like I did last time.

Happy Holidays everyone, hope it's a good one❤✨

Merry Christmas/Hanukkah, etc. -PayPayB 🥰🔥

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