56. I hope so

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Long chapter babes ❤ 🖤

Tessa's POV:

I'm sitting in my bedroom texting one of the girls about graduation.

Graduation. Wow. Never thought this day would come. Considering I thought my dad would've killed me by now.

But he didn't. I'm actually getting the chance to go to college and have the life I've always wanted.

Well not everything.

A couple of months ago Hardin and I have been growing apart. I can't pin point when exactly it started but I know we have been growing more and more distant everyday.

I don't like this. So tonight I'm going to see if we can have a little weekend to ourselves because we haven't been able to really be alone since we went to the lake house for that amazing week. We definitely need another week like that, soon. Very soon.

I already asked are parents if it was okay for us to spend the weekend up at the lake and they both said it was okay.

Now I just have to ask him. I hope he says yes because I feel like this will be very good for our relationship. But I'm also extremely scared that he doesn't want to work out this thing that has been going on with us, and wants us to break up.

He has been really good to me these past couple months with everything that has happened and I feel like I would have a major set back in my recovery. Not that I am dependent on him, I just know that without him I'd would be moving in a very slow process.

And apparently my version of moving slowly is not leaving the house for months and not being able to have any male contact besides Brandon and 'who shall not be named' for the the rest of that year.

I just had gotten used to being around guys again regularly when he moved back. I don't want to go back to the dark place that I was in.

I throw my phone on the bed after the girl I was talking to and I said goodbye. Now I just have to find my loving boyfriend.

I walk out my bedroom and downstairs.  He usually drives me to and from school but the guys thought he should have some 'not with Tessa' time. He didn't want to, but after some convincing and constant annoyance from them, he went. But they said they would have him back by now.

I walk into the living room and see my mom and Trish sitting on the couch watching a movie. I guess one of the good things that have come out of this year is their friendship.

"Hey mom, is Hardin back yet?" I ask her softly, hopefully. I know it's only been a few hours but I missed him.

She shoots me a small smile before shaking her head, "No honey." I nod before walking out so they can finish the movie without me bothering them.

I go into the kitchen and grab a bottle of  water. I grab a bag a popcorn and put it in the microwave. I might as well watch a movie or something until he gets back.

I get back up the stairs I make sure to check on Jordan. She's sleeping in her room, going back to in school learning has been tough on her sleeping schedule.

Once I am back in my room I turn my TV I do to Netflix and look for something watch, which I did pretty quickly.

Half way through the movie, my bedroom door opens and my loving boyfriend walks in. I pause the movie and look over in his direction as he walks towards me, taking him jacket off after he closes the door back.

He leans over on to the bed and gives me a brief kiss. "Hi," he says after breaking the three second kiss. He sits on the bed and starts to taking his shoes off. "Hey," I reply sit up straight in my bed. "Did you and the guys have fun?" I ask him sweetly.

"Yeah, it was fine," he tells me vaguely. I sigh quietly to myself.

"Hardin can we go somewhere?" I ask him sweetly.

"Sure, where do you want to go?" He asks. Once his shoes are off, he lays down beside me. As he puts his back against headbord I sit criss-cross applesauce so we're face to face.

"Can we go to the lake house for the weekend?" I ask him hopefully. He looks at me in surprise with him mouth open slightly.

When his phone vibrates beside him he drops him gase from me to his phone. He starts to text whoever messaged him. "Yeah sure we can go if you want," he tells me. I sigh in defeat, "It's fine we can just stay here." I get up from the bed. Well I try to anyway, Hardin pulls me back by wrist.

"What's wrong?" he asks me confusedly. I laugh sarcastically. "Seriously!" He looks at me like I've grown an extra head. "We're growing apart! I just asked you if you wanted to go to the place where we had an important milestone of our relationship at and you acted like it didn't matter!"

Tears start falling down my face.

"Do you not love me anymore?" I ask him, my lip starts quivering as my eyes start filling up with more with tears.

"What?!" He exclaims. "Of course I still love you," he tells me honestly. "Well you sure as hell don't act like it," I tell him sharply. He sighs, "We both have been going through a lot these past couple months. Plus it nots just me who haven't acting like we're not in love anymore," he shoots back.

"I know!" I yell out at him. "Thats why I want to get away! So we can fix it, together. But we can't do that with all these distractions."

He nods, knowing I'm right.

"What's going on with us Hardin?" I ask him in a whisper voice.

"I don't know baby," he tell me honestly.  "But we're going to figure it out." He grabs hand in between the both of us and grips it tightly.

" He grabs hand in between the both of us and grips it tightly

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So so so so so so sorry this took forever!!!

Idk why but I have no interest in writing anymore even though I do it literally all the time. It's really fuxking weird.

Love you -PayPayB😌❤

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