Q&A : )

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Hello everyone! Sorry this was taking so long. I had to study for exams, then took them. Plus I just started new classes for this semester so I've been getting used to that, cuz high school is fan-fucking-tastic and to add to this amazing New year off I got the Covid.

But here are some of the answers you wanted. This is going to be in a random order so we all the questions before you leave just incase I answered a question you might've had.

Is there going to be another book? - It depends of you mean a fanfic or not, because I said I was going to do non-fanfics. But for fanfics, if I am being honest one of the reasons I wanted to stop fanfics is because I thought no one really liked it. Ofc that wasn't the only reason, I got bored half way through, plus I don't like using the same ideas in all of my books. It makes everything predictable. But since everyone kept asking it definitely made me want to think about it.

How did Hessa handle all the 'H' stuff? - Tons of communication. It helped them if they both talked about how they were feeling about the whole thing. Plus just like any good healthy relationship, communication is key.

What happened to Hunter and Hayden? - To go into more detail of what happened. They were both arrested once Richard and everyone else was. Since they both did what they police told them too, they got off easy. Plus it helped that they entire Young and Scott family were on their side. They did go to prison but only for a month or two then they had community service with an ankle monitor.

What happened to Sam? - Nothing really interesting happen with Sam if I'm going to be completely honest. After they both got home from escaping Richard, she had nightmares about what could've happened but her family, friends, and boyfriend helped her with that. Like Tessa she got a therapist to help. After Graduation she went to college with Scarlett. Sam and her boyfriend are now married with two kids. She is still close to call the girls on her high school team.

Why did you have Michael end up abusive? - I honestly don't even know lol. I thought the situation needed a little more drama, and my fingers decided to just type away and that's what we got. I wasn't planning on him being like that but it's fine ig.

How did some chapters come out faster than others? - Most of the time of I was just going with the flow with writing but other times I had planned out chapters, and I had an actual idea of what I wanted to do. It's typically easier for me to write if I know what I wanna do but half of the time I could never figure out what exactly I wanted. So that's why chapters would take forever sometimes. Plus don't forget school is always a struggle especially with this being my first semester at a new school that has a weird way of scheduling.

Why did you put Molly and Noah in the main character list but didn't talk about them much? - Because at first this was going to be about Tessa and Melissa becoming friends again and Molly was Mel's bsf and Noah was Molly's friends with benefits. But obviously that didn't happen lol. Once I do the bonus chapters it'll make a little more since. But I will be taking them out.

What other projects are you working on? - Well I'm working on quite a few actually. The one I wanna get out first is called 'Celebrity with Benefits'. Its not like a sex book, it's more like what 'benefits' they got out of knowing each other yk. Let me know if you wanna know more. Btw it is NOT a fanfic.

How come you wrote Hessa in a super healthy relationship? - Okay so I didn't read the books until the end of the summer before the school year started. I felt like this should be my own rendition of the series. I was going to have them break up and have a lot of unhealthy arguments but decided against it.

Why did Noah drug Tessa? - Richard was paying him a lot of money. Pretty up to the point. Plus I didn't feel like adding a new character.

Why did you stop posting for a while? - I needed to focus on school so I accidentally dropped writing and reading for a while and even when I did write it was very little because I didn't have the motivation to do it. I also just didn't know what to write.

Who was the little boy who helped Tessa in the beginning?  - I was going to have that be Hunter but then I forgot until it was to late to but for now he's just a kid who helped Tessa out.

Scarlett and Brandon were friends with benefits? - Okay yes, so right before Tessa was kidnapped the first time, they ended up sleeping together and it being like that for the next year and a half. Brandon did end up having feelings for Scar but didn't realize until after she had fell for Michael. Then I saw how a couple people liked the idea of the two of them together, so I granted that wish.

Why did Melissa and Brandon break up? - They just just grew apart ig lol, I just broke them up to break them up tbh.

Why did you have Hunter and Hayden get off so easy? - Because I felt like they did it for the right reasons and I knew that I would definitely would've done the same. I do know that realistically they wouldn't have gotten off that easy.

Why did you have Hessa go on trips by themselves? - Because I felt like couples need their time alone and in a different environment helped them bond better.

How did you come up with the idea 'My Enemies Brother'? - Okay so basically I was thinking, 'I've read an bsfs Brother and Brothers bsf or similar stuff to that. Hell I've even read 'My brothers enemy' tropes, but I've never read a 'My Enemies Brother'. So that's how this trope came to be. Psa I'm saying that this is an original idea.

If you know any tropes like this lmk, I wanna read them!


If you have anymore questions pls ask away!

Love you my beautiful weirdos, see ya soon! -PayPayB ❤🥰

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