14. His apology

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Tessa's POV:

"T," Scarlett yells as she walks into the house. "Where are you." "Kitchen," I yell back. She walks into the kitchen.

"Hey," she says. "Hey, where'd you go," I ask. "Nowhere important," she says with a big smile on her face. "Mmhh," I hum. "Why are you lying," I ask. "I'm not," she says. "Come on tell me," I press. "There's nothing to tell," she says. "Ninth grade year," I say with a smirk on my face.

She looks flabbergasted. "You remember," she says. "Of course I remember, it's what brought us closer," I say. "Now tell me," I say. She mumbles something. "Huh," I say.

"Michaelaskedmetobehisgirlfriend," she says really fast. "Speak slower," I say. She takes a deep breath. "Michael asked me to be his girlfriend," she says.

"AHHHHHHHHH," I scream. I run to where she's standing and give her a big hug. "Ok it's not that big of a deal, so can I breath," she says gasping for air. I pull away from her. "This is a huge deal you've liked him since he moved here and now he's your boyfriend," I say squealing. "No I haven't," she says rolling her eyes. I scoff and cross my arms.

"Do I have to say every time you fangirl over him," I ask. "Go ahead I've never done it," she challenges. "Ok, remember our spring break vacation," I ask. "Yeah what about it," she asks. "Remember when Michael got out the water and walked past us to go to the bathroom and you squealed and said that he's the hottest guy ever," I say.

Her eyes pop out of her head. "Ok but that was one time," she says. "Ok what about when he sent a picture of him when he when back to London, you said that you're never even gonna take it off as your lock screen," I say. "Shall I continue," I say.

"No you do not, I get it," she says. "Now why aren't you more excited," I ask. "I'm trying to act like it's not a big deal even though, I'm screaming with happiness," she says. "So we can't look excited we have to be chill," I specify. "Yep," she says. "Ok I can do that," I say. "Great now let's go to school," she says.

The school day goes normal and no sweet but lowkey kinda creepy gifts.

When I get home I change into leggings, a sports bra, and a carnigen. I watch a movie.

When the movies' over I decide to watch another one with popcorn.

As I'm making the popcorn someone knocks on the door.

I go open the door, it's Hardin looking all kinds of hot. What the hell.

"Hardin," I say as a question. "What are you doing here." "I came to talk to you," he says. "Come in," I tell him. I move out of the way so he can walk in and I close the door behind him.

"What do want to talk about," I ask. "I wanted to apologize about yesterday," he says. "Apology about what," I ask. "About saying we're just friends and for sleeping with your friend," he specifies. I make the 'O' shape with my mouth in realization. Before I can say anything, the microwave off signaling my popcorn done.

I walk into the kitchen and really hot Hardin follows me. Why.

I open the microwave and take the popcorn out.

I turn around, keep the popcorn in hand, and look at Hardin.

"Well," I say. "What," he asks. "Apologize," I say. "I thought I already did," he says. "No, you explained why you want to apologize," I specify. "So apologize," I say.

"Tess, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have- he starts. I zone out not hearing him.

Why is he more attractive than usual. He's wearing black and white, and he looks so sexy. In a white shirt you can see his abs and tattoos. I just love the sight. I want him to take me right now. Woah what. Why am I thinking this. I blame it on Fifty Shades Darker. Maybe that's why I'm thinking these things. I'm still a little heated from the movie. Yeah that's it.

"-That's why I did it and I'm sorry that I did. I shouldn't have done it," he finishes. "It's fine Hardin really," I say. "So I'm fogiven," he asks. "Nothing to forgive," I say.

All of a sudden the bag of popcorn rips and falls from my hands, spilling popcorn everywhere.

"Shit, can you get me the broom and dust pan out of the closet behind you," I ask. I bend over to get the popcorn bag off the floor.

"Holy shit," I hear Hardin say under his breath and moving around a little.

I stand up and get the broom and dust pan from him, bend over again to get the popcorn up.

"Fuck," Hardin says under him breath.

I get all the popcorn up then through it away. I walk over to where Hardin standing and put the broom away.

"Are you ok," I ask him. "Yep, all good," he says nodding. "Are you sure," I ask touching his arm. His muscles tense under hand. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He's trying to control himself. Why? He opens his eyes and looks at me. "Yeah I'm good," he says. He lying but I'm not going to push it any further. "Ok," I say.

I stop touching his arm. We stare into each other's eyes.

After a few seconds his phone rings. I move away from him.

He answers the phone. "Hello," he says."No I'm not. I have something better to do. Whatever," he says. He hangs up.

"Who was that," I ask. "No one important," he says. I nod.

I turn to get another popcorn bag. *Tell me why when I was typing that it autocorreted to gag lol.* I get the box and see that its empty. I throw that box away and reach for the other one. It's too high for me to reach. I'm going to kill Brandon. A few seconds later Hardin comes up behind me, traping me, and grabs the box. I start breathing faster as he sets the box on the counter. 

"Here you go," he says quietly. "Thank you," I say quietly.

We stand there not saying anything, staring into each other's eyes. His eyes fall to my chest, stays there for a couple seconds then go up to my lips. My eyes fall to his lips also. When I look in his eyes again he's looking in mine shocked.

"Fuck it," he whispers. Then he crashed his lips into mine.


I hate you people

1,124 words

Scarlett and Michel are dating!!!

Why is she thinking these things about Hardin?

Who was on the phone?

What's going to happen next?

Please look at my message board.

Love you, sometimes -PayPay 😘

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